Matchmaker, Matchmaker~

Nov 13, 2010 14:48

WHO: Yao and Thera
WHEN: Just after Yao sent this; November 11, 2010| Thursday
WHERE: A junction on a road a few blocks away from the Charleston.
WHAT: Overhearing conversations is the best, no?
RATING: T for Tenfolds of 'No'.

It was nice for his parents to drop by (as in popping in front of him as he was walking for work) but knowing them, the don't visit without a reason. There goes his R&R for the night, he and his brother are invited for dinner he has no idea where. Yao, in all honesty, thinks that his parents think he's incapable of finding someone and that they are too nagging. Who knew the nagging ran in the family?

Mulling on how to approach the situation where it inevitably ends to running away again, Yao lost track and missed a turn. With a click of his tongue, Yao turned around and retraced his steps, counting the number of hours left before he faces his parents again, in a more serious manner.

treating your life, where the hell am i?, why do you want to know?, santorini, why do we do this, what the derp?, who are you?!, the law is here!, i only speak engrish, i know what you did last summer, status: complete, your mother, thank god it's friday, what are you doing here?, yao's fat ass, why hello thar, this never happened, company, china

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