Bubble, Bubble, You've got Trouble~

Oct 16, 2010 19:21

Who: The smaller the snakes, the more potent the venom (Mei-chan and Raivis)
When: Saturday night
Where: The lavatories by the Slytherin dungeons
What: Illegal activities best done in the shadows; a brew, a love, a secret

Something addicted this way comes... )

taiwan, "hanging out", status: incomplete, liek its a tea party gais!, she a crazy bitch, you've got red on you, latvia, it's magic!, !event: harry potter, and remember: don't fuck it up, my girl wants to party all the time, caught in a bad bromance

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man_nav_naudas October 17 2010, 00:43:00 UTC

A few more scares like that and neither did Raivis. He slowly released the fierce clutching at his chest, exhaling with a long, trembling sigh that rattled through him as he rose to his feet, uncurling his fingers gradually, delicately. Crouching between the sinks for as long as he had left a disquieting ache in his legs, weakened at the knees. He tapped a heel against the ground softly, bracing himself with a palm against the wall.

"N-not so loud, Mei... We must be exceptionally c-careful...Set the cauldron there."

Raivis gestured to an open stall second to last, already rummaging through the folds of his coat for the tightly sealed vials he'd nicked from the Potions master's office. Convenient what some trembling, eye allergies and a reputation for honesty got him. Amazing what precision, cunning and patience could achieve from there.

Gathered rather lackluster though they were about the toilet once he'd followed Mei in, the boy gave her a cautious smile as he withdrew each ingredient one by one. "S-so... who is this for, exactly?"


meiume October 17 2010, 10:31:49 UTC
"Oh, oops! Sorry," Mei chuckled, hitting herself over the head playfully as a gesture of her clumsiness. "I get loud when I'm excited... and nervous... and mad. Mostly just when I'm excited though. When I'm nervous, people tell me I talk like a mouse, although that doesn't make any sense because mice don't talk unless they---Oh, look at me blabbering on."

She followed Raivis' direction and set the cauldron on the specific mark on the ground, right in front of the toilet. For a moment there, Mei contemplated the possibility of brewing a potion in a toilet bowl, though she couldn't imagine there would be good result.

Dusting her hands to demonstrate her effort, Mei smiled charmingly at her secret partner of the evening. That poor Latvia boy; why was he always shaking like he was on the verge of a seizure? If there was a spell to stop the twitching, Mei would surely cast it for her friend! Though, in her vast knowledge, a twitching partner could be good for sex... he would be like a human vibrator! Someone must bound to like that!

"Oh, um..." She flushed at Raivis' inquiry, breaking out of her own train of thought. She glanced at the vials and recognized each ingredients, knowing full-well that she had been using the correct ingredients though her potions still failed. "There was this Gryffindor beater... He's really cute... and I thought maybe... you know... this would help."

She fidgeted and pushed the cauldron closer when Raivis asked. A sly smile touched her lips. She put both hands on Raivis' shoulders, hugging the smaller student from behind.

"Surely, the great potineer Raivis must have tested his concoctions on a certain somebody, yes~?"


man_nav_naudas October 18 2010, 21:28:02 UTC
Too many to count. He liked to vary the potions and how they were made. Their level of effectiveness and whose hair was placed in them, meant to please his customers of course but were more than anything precautions set up to keep the professors off his trail. A less potent love potion, a more clumsily made potion dished out by any student looking to make a quick galleon and Raivis sailed through four years of brewing artificial adulation (mostly) uncontested.

He'd tested them on a number of students but on the one boy he'd wished more than anything would turn his way with a smile meant only for him, the most he'd ever done was an accidental charm that made the Gryffindor's large brows turn green.

Not something Mei needed to know after that odd look she'd given him. Almost appraising in nature.

Raivis really had the strangest friends. "The O'Connor brother? H-have you tried talking to him first? I know the Gryffindors don't tend to get on with us very much but you're r-really nice and all and he's... he's not so bad. Love potions can be pretty dangerous, you know..."


I'M SO LATE TO POSTING THESE DAYS. \o/;; meiume October 20 2010, 20:28:09 UTC
Mei produced a hair tie and tied her hair into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. She watched Raivis with utmost admiration and attention. Nothing like watching a potion master working his magic! And it wasn't as if she would ask Professor Bonnefoy for help... that man was... suspicious. Dangerous to a fair young maiden such as herself.

"Oh, I tried, but he is always with his sister. It's like they are glued at the hip or something, so it's been really hard just to get him alone. And since he's older than us, I don't have any classes with him. So, yeah, you know..."

She added the ingredients at Raivis' request and watched the concoction boil up to a sickly green before it settled down to a pink hue. She returned to hugging Raivis from behind, humming a happy tune as they waited for the potion to complete.

"So, this Gryffindor you like...~ What is it about him that draws our dear Raivis-chan's attention, hmm? Though those Kirklands, I have to say, each one is as handsome as the last one~ Haahaa~"


/o/ SO FASHIONABLE BB man_nav_naudas October 21 2010, 19:04:49 UTC
The close contact produced another bright flush of the sort that had propelled the Slytherin lad to an in-house infamy during his first years at Hogwarts. Never took much to get the tiny Latvian to light up brighter than a 'lumos' charm and several times every other day, snake, raven, badger or lion, his fellow witches and wizards would try to see just how red they could get him before he subtly cursed their homework. A game for the bored, one Raivis tried desperately to avoid when Ivan was not around to stop it.

He stared down into the cauldron intently, stilling his trembling, willing the heat in his cheeks to go away. Had to stir counterclockwise very carefully for this particular brew, such an instruction he murmured softly to Mei as she spoke of sibling affection and the lament of contact with her 'one true love'.

Cute if not a little misguided. Raivis would have offered a suggestion had she not returned to a tangent that made him sputter and nearly slash the ladle through the mixture. The pigment emerging across his features was just as vibrant as the proud, deep crimson of their rivals' colors. "H-he..." It took all of his concentration to stay his hand, keep the circular motion smooth. "He's brave...a-and maybe a little brash but he... he's different than everyone else. He's not afraid of anything- though that's a bit of a problem, but he's so naive and pure hearted I just want to...to..."


meiume November 13 2010, 21:36:24 UTC
"You just want to... what?"

Thus appeared the familiar grin on the Asian's face that made her infamous around these parts. She danced her fingers in waltz on Raivis' slender back, teasing and tensing certain muscles that she knew would get a reaction out of the potioneer.

"Talk to him?" she whispered, almost seductively if it weren't for the mischievous smile on those pink lips. "Touch him? Hold him? Hug him? Kiss him? Oh, if he's anything like that Ravenclaw brother of his, I bet he's quite the kisser~"

Mei leaned on Raivis' shoulder like the serpent that she was. Still with that sly grin, she said, "Have you ever tried to... you know... Let him know?"


man_nav_naudas November 20 2010, 10:29:30 UTC

Raivis had no inclination to think about Dewi Ainsworth kissing anyone. He didn't want to dwell on tucking his chin against a crown of bright blonde hair or curling his arms around a slightly smaller form. Not touching- as he sometimes did in minor, fleeting ways- or hugging -more often, as of late, lingering- or kissing -most frequent, always in dreams. It was his fellow Slytherin making him involuntarily shiver, not Peter. Not yet-?

The ladle remained on its course, round and round, and Raivis swallowed hard against the anxiousness wedging in his throat; a deadly, immobile force.

She was so close, whispering such pretty words. The question felt like a trap, but he tumbled into it anyway. "I'm not sure he would u-understand. Don't you think maybe he would be a little disturbed by it? That his friend -male friend- was fantasizing about- about pushing him against a wall and begging him to- to do heinous things. I love him so much I don't want him to h-hate me because I..."

The boy shook his head. "Overstepped some boundaries. Unless...Unless maybe I'm over thinking this. The 'secret' you mentioned. W-what is it?"


meiume December 7 2010, 19:22:55 UTC
Mei's heart swelled with proud knowledge that she had met the little Slytherin blush as red as the potion before them. Her long and perfectly shaped fingers combed through Raivis' tangled hair, like serpents looking for an invisible mouse to dine.

"Raivis~ You're so cute! I just want to tie you up and eat you~ Ah, but, I'm sure the Gryffindor would love to do the same. After all, who could resist you~?"

With a nudge, Mei at last released her victim from her crushing clutch. She leaned over the cauldron, fascinated by the explosion of colors - something that in all her years, she had not managed to achieve.

"You are good," she said with a grin. "And the secret~? I am not telling you until the potion is completed to work~!"


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