Wand at the ready?

Oct 16, 2010 00:57

WHO: The weasleyKirkland Twins, and any random teacher who wants to catch them out of bed
WHEN: Sep 15th, Bedtime.
WHERE: School hallways
WHAT: In which the twins need to resupply their stocks

It was well past curfew, and all the other good little girls were dead sleep. Good. That meant Erin didn't need to take extra precautions to silence her feet or mess with the ground with some spell. Instead she carefully slipped out of the room, wonderfully comfortable fuzzy socks helped dim the noise of each step across the floor boards and down the stairs to the common room to meet up with Conner. There wasnt much Erin could need on errands like these. Wand, dark clothes, and a few coins to bargain with. Nothing else as long as magic did its job...

((excuse my disillusionment fail...orz))

status: complete, northern ireland, !event: harry potter, stay in school kids, there's this thing called murphy's law, republic of ireland, i can has lucky charms?, alcohol's a food group

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