We meet again

Oct 12, 2010 02:12

Who: Moon and Yao
When: Monday October 11th, after work at night.
Where: Some nice park.
What: He really does save people a lot.

Late shift was over. Moon was on his way home. It was sort of getting old, all these late shifts. But it paid extra, which was making it worth it. He could pretty much smell the smoke and flames from his uniform, even though he'd taken it off and showered at the station. Luckily he wasn't reeking, but it was enough to notice.

Moon decided to cut through a nearby park. It would take him ten minutes less to get home, and since it was starting to get cold and dark already, he didn't really wanna spend too much time outside.

Besides, parks always looked nice at night. The dim lights were lit, the trees looked peaceful and nobody was there. Just him, walking by himself in the quiet peace. It was pretty comfortable..

Meanwhile, on the other side of the park, a couple of guys were just goofing around.

status: complete, all azns are bros, mongolia, china

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