Sep 28, 2010 16:14

Who: Rory and Roderich.
Where: Liberty University.
When: September 28th, Tuesday. Afternoon.
What: After a town hall question in Liberty University, Roderich meets a certain professor of engineering - a certain professor that he thought for years was a man.

Today, Roderich decided that college students were a pain. The questions they asked were either difficult to answer, irrelevant, or completely idiotic. It didn't help that one strongly opinionated student accused him of being a member of the Nazi Party, again, going so far to say that his ancestry was traceable back to Hitler himself somehow. He was running for mayor, for gott's sake, not president of the world.

As soon as the town hall debate was over, Roderich was out of the lecture hall as quickly as he could. Alfred was still taking time off, so he took extra caution to cross the campus. He never knew when a water balloon filled with perfume would hit him from above.

Unfortunately, the campus was huge. Roderich's sense of direction failed him (again); he somehow ended up away from the parking lot and closer to the engineering building. Students filed out of a classroom as the class came to an end. Roderich spotted the professor coming out last, and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask for help.

"Excuse me," he called out, tailing the redhead professor who looked oddly familiar from behind. "Could you possibly point me to the direction of Lot 22?"

Nothing in the world could have prepared him for what happened next.

you have some 'splainin' to do, imma gay fish gay fish~, scotland, austrians have no sense of direction, awkwardness: i has it, fuck my life, i'm too old for this shit, unintentional genderbending, i'm ttly straight ignore the boner, austria, what is this madness!?, you just went there, frankly my dear- i don't give a damn, status: complete, repression at its finest, haters gonna hate, all you need is love, double rainbow; what does it mean!?, history won't repeat this shit

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