He's not the bloody dog-whisperer

Sep 26, 2010 19:06

Who: Alfred and Ludwig
When:  September 26th, afternoon
Where: The Vargas Mansion
What: There's only one man in all of Liberty that can handle an excitable puppy and it's even-more-excitable owner.

Once Gupta had shown up with the puppy, Alfred hadn't hesitated to plop her into the basket on the front of his bike, wrapping a red handkerchief around her neck. "Rosie..." he said, pedalling lazily through the city, not pushing himself because he still ached but he figured the best time to start re-building muscles was right away. The city seemed relatively unchanged, not like it had become a space-age city over night and that was almost comforting.

He had been past the Vargas mansion a few times and now as he approached, he hesitated a bit, the word mafia still floating through his head. "What do you think Rosie?" he asked, leading his bike up the impressive drive and she merely barked, tail wagging. Well dogs were supposed to have some kind of sixth-sense... She didn't seem very worried.

Picking her up in one arm and walking over to the door, he knocked hesitantly, allowing himself to cuddle her in both his arms. He wondered what this guy even looked like. All he could think of was a big tall blond guy with blue eyes... But that was being stereotypical... Alfred shook his head, trying to rid himself of the image and start anew. Stereotyping was bad.

i will break your spirit!, real men have chest hair, they call me... germanry, be a man! do the right thing!, puppies!, status: complete, germany, this thread just got awesome, haters gonna hate, this thread will give you cavities, this never happened, bro's for life, i'm responsible i swear, hello again, america, not gay just biffles

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