never wanted to dance

Sep 08, 2010 19:08

Who: Gilbert and Jo
When:  September 8th
Where: Old abandoned warehouse on the docks
What: Glow sticks, pounding beats and maybe just a hint of dancing. These two were a set made in heaven.

Tailored skinny jeans that made his ass look like a fuckin' statue's? Check. White belt with black buckle? Check. Kickin' hightops that were the same shade of red his Beetle was? Check. Shades with no shutters because interrupted vision is stupid? Check. Black dressshirt with paint splatters all across his chest in vibrant red paint? Check. one red pixel tie? Check.

One badass Prussian ready to make his first ever appearance on Liberty's rave scene? Check.

The small beetle he pulled up in almost automatically gave him a nod of entrance from the bouncer at the door. Even from outside the steel doors, the beat of the music was clear and strong, driving along at a pounding pace and Gilbert's feet automatically walked to it. Blinded by the light was an understatement as the strobe lights pierced the gloomy dark of the warehouse like a lighthouse, causing the bodies crowded around the speakers to shimmer and change in front of him.

Blinking, he tried to focus instead on the wild and smooth movements of the glowsticks scattered around the crowd. No one really seemed to be handling them properly more just treating them like dildos that needed jacking off. Because they do, dildos need love too. Running a hand through his hair, Gilbert sighed a little. These people needed some serious lessons from the Gilbert-Meister.

And then he saw her and it wasn't like those plastic glowing sticks were fake penises at all. She was use them right, her dark skin shockingly different than her golden blond hair. And man... those clothes, she was quite possibly the brightest thing on the floor. Clearly, she'd be worth at least one dace with someone as incredible as himself. Hell, with him there she'd only look a hundred times better with a stud at her side.

Sliding through the crowd, allowing himself to be bumped and danced against before emerging before her, blinking.

raving mad raves, manry men can look fabulous too!, too much spice, status: complete, drugs and alcohol and heathens o mai, haters gonna hate, south africa, bonding tiemz, you ain't got nothing on me, god's gift to humanity, i'm too sexy for my shirt, prussia, oh shit getcha towels ready!, first times are always good times, my girl wants to party all the time

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