Sep 01, 2010 01:43

Who: Alfred and Loto
When:  September 1st
Where: Alfred's apartment (Area 51 a la Liberty)
What: Alfred finds a strange boy on the streets of Liberty who claims he hails from a strange land down south. What does he do with said boy? Scare him s***less. Duh.

Alfred had taken to tooling around Liberty on his bike more and more often, trying to get as much time in as he could before fall ended and winter would make it way too cold to do anything. Maybe, he considered, turning a corner, he could get spikes on his bike wheel and not slip on the ice. The idea of spiked wheels absorbing his thoughts almost entirely, Alfred almost ran straight into a man standing right in the middle of the street.

Screeching to a halt, he felt the handlebars dig into his stomach as he barely stopped. Opening his mouth to complain at the man, he stopped when he saw what he was doing. Which was being utterly absorbed in a window of a small toyshop. He got to talking, wondering why Loto, his name, was so interested.

"Antarctica?" he has asked, mind blown, before immediately quizzing and demanding questions. "Man... no wonder, you're like some weird alien. You ever seen the X-Files?"

'No' was the meek reply. And at once, Alfred had heaved the shocked boy onto his bike, gone straight to the apartment, dragging him up the stairs (he refused to go up the elevator) and put him on the couch. Telling him to sit the hell still and not move because he needed to be edumacated, Alfred went to his closet, opened the box marked 'XXX' grabbed the DVD set.

Returning, he popped in the first disk and turned to the poor still frozen boy on his couch. "Okay, pie! And do you want coke or coffee or something else?"

[ooc: Alfred is so going to hack Loto's computer and freak him out and think aliens are taking it over.]

tinfoils hats and probes, this shit just got real, status: incomplete, no shit sherlock, fuck yeah!, awkwardness: i has it, real men have chest hair, who are you?!, i don't care what these bitches say, personal bubbles are good for you, i can haz friends?, what the fuck are we doing?!, antarctica, this thread just got awesome, bonding tiemz, it's hero time!, i'm lovin' it, america

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