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meiume August 29 2010, 23:19:28 UTC
Saying Mei was a complete mess would be the understatement of the millennium. It was supposed to be a good day; Al was coming over for an intervention/slash bubble tea time. They were going to have a nice talk about Mei's addiction over some delicious chewy balls. It was supposed to be a wonderful day ( ... )


waitforsuperman August 29 2010, 23:58:13 UTC
Alfred had not signed up for this. But he was here to be a good friend and he quickly pulled the book away, placing it facedown before tugging the sobbing girl into his chest. "Mei," he said, petting her hair, "Don't worry... Just... calm down a bit and tell me what's wrong."

Plopping down on the bed, he held he tight, frowning down. "C'mon Mei, you're usually the smiling one."


meiume August 30 2010, 00:07:51 UTC
"O-OH GOD, AL, H-He's gone. He's gone again!" Mei cried into Al's chest, briefly noticing that the American smelled like vanilla latte and pepperoni pizza. "H-he didn't e-even... didn't even say good-bye... I-I, what did I do? It's me, isn't it?"

She grabbed hold of Al's shirt and shook the taller man a few times in an overtly dramatic manner that kind of made it look like she was faking it.



waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 00:18:39 UTC
Sighing slightly and grinning nervously at her, Alfred quietly took her hands, hold them in his. She was really tiny and the hysterics were almost laughable. Almost. "Mei..." he said calmly, smiling at her, "Any guy that would leave you is an idiot. Okay? You're great, I bet there was just something that came up, family or something."

He squeezed her hands, "I love you, see? There, one more person. Hell, Kim loves you, and so does your mom and everything."


meiume August 30 2010, 00:23:48 UTC
Mei's eyes watered up. Her body shook and she had this horrible urge to sock Al in the face. Especially right after that stupid thing that stupid ass stupid American so stupidly said so stupidly like it wasn't such a stupid thing to say.

Before she even knew what she was saying. Before she even realized she was actually speaking. Mei just shouted on top of her lungs, hands tight in fists.

"T-then why did you choose Kim over me!?"


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 00:35:31 UTC
"Oh." was all he managed after a moment.

Alfred looked down at her, his face heating up almost instantly out of shame. He should've seen this one coming a mile away. But no, he had been naive and... well, an idiot and now here it was, right in front of him.

Swallowing, he tried to collect himself, shifting awkwardly on the bed, not daring to let her hands go. "Mei I-I... It was never a contest. I've... always liked you more, you've been my friend longer, Kim is... Kim was a phase." he cleared his throat awkwardly, "I never meant you to feel like that Mei. Never ever."


meiume August 30 2010, 00:53:10 UTC
Word vomit. Mei couldn't stop it. Maybe she was caught up in the moment. Maybe it was what she had shoved down her throat for years and it was finally puking itself all over Al.

"... It's not fair," she said, gripping Al's shirt. "It's not fair! It's always Kim! She gets everything!"

She wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, her other one still latched in Al's grip. She scoffed, voice rough with years of repression. She looked up at Al, eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"If that's the case, then why didn't you ask me out? You picked her. Over me."


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 01:12:38 UTC
Alfred looked away quietly. "I thought you didn't like me." he said softly, "We spent all those years together, doing stuff and you never... asked or did... I mean the kissing booths we did you never even tried to get one form me."

He clutched at her hands tighter. "Mei... I get what happening, but I do like you. I always have, okay?" I just can't date you because I'm scared of what Ivan would do to me.


meiume August 30 2010, 01:27:19 UTC
"OH GOD AL YOU ARE SO STUPID." Mei gave the dumbstruck American a slight jab in the shoulder. She tried to break her hands free from Al but found that Al was just too damn strong for someone her frame. Though honestly, this was really cool. She had seen scenes like this in soaps. She twisted and turned like the female actress while Al, like the hot sexy male lead, held her tight. The next scene usually involved some grand declaration of eventual love and then it was kissing time...

Wait. No. No. This was completely wrong! Plus, Al was an stupid idiot.

"It doesn't matter now! It doesn't! You picked my best friend instead of me. You made me feel like I'm not worth it and by the way, who is Ivan?"


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 01:37:55 UTC
Oh shit. Alfred paled, cheeks losing their flush. One of his hands let go of Mei's to run through his hair, though in reality it was just to get away from her strange squirming. "I-Ivan is... myboyfriendthing. Ivan is just some guy I know and Mei... I never meant to make you feel worthless."

He gently took her chin, tilting it up, brushing thumbs over her wet cheeks. "You're worth... a lot, okay? Any guy would be so lucky to have you."


meiume August 30 2010, 01:47:10 UTC
"Some guy you know...?" Mei repeated. She stopped squirming, her attention suddenly switching to learn more about Al's complicated love life. "If I know you, which I think I do, some guy you know means you probably are involved with him in some way, aren't you...?"

She shuddered when Al's thumb glided over her cheeks. Okay, this was not good. So not good. Because if Mei knew herself, she was about to do something stupid-er than the stupid-est thing in the timeline of stupidity. Like maybe... leap over and try to kiss Al. So, no, that was bad. Bad. Bad. Bad.

"Yeah yeah..." Mei turned her head away with a pout. "Butyoustilldon'twantme so whatever."


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 01:54:56 UTC
The American swallowed. "Damn your feminine intuition Mei." he said quietly, smiling, "Involved is a good word, a very... good word." He didn't bother letting go of her face, rather lost in his own thoughts.

"I... I do want you, I just can't," he said, attempting a compromise, "This... Ivan guy is, well. Kind of my boyfriendbutnot."


meiume August 30 2010, 02:05:42 UTC

Mei nodded her head slightly as she listened to Al explained his situation with this Ivan person. Her fangirling sense started to tingle and oh my god Al's eyes were so blue and deep and pretty and she never noticed...


As much as Mei wished to be in some sort of love triangle with two men (with the two men interested in each other, which made it totally so much more awesome), she knew better and knew that she couldn't interfere with Al's personal love life.

"Well, then, I guess... okay. Yeah... Okay. I... Well. Good luck with him, I guess...? I... I guess you should just... be happy with him since I mean, he's your boyfriend and everything and I'm just a girl sitting in front of a boy asking him to love her. Or something."


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 02:15:26 UTC
Dammit Alfred couldn't help himself. He leaned forward, pressing their lips together for just a moment, resting there, giving it enough time to sink into Mei's head before pulling back just slightly. His breathing was slow and quiet past his slightly parted lips as he watched the young woman carefully.

"I like you Mei. A lot." he murmured, shaking his head, "but I just can't be with you, okay?"

This was getting more and more like those soap operas he never watched. Ever. Especially not the Korean ones.


meiume August 30 2010, 02:35:50 UTC
Well. There went her first kiss. She always thought that would belong to Kiku with fireworks playing in the background while violinists serenaded them. This wasn't... exactly how she imagined it to be. For one, it was super not romantic. And secondly, Al had a boyfriend, and now that he had kissed her, did that make that she was now his secret girlfriend? It was all so confusing.

She touched her lips, her cheeks flushing to the brightest shade of red.

"I... I think..." She paused, trying to figure just what the heck was she supposed to say...

She shook her head and continued, "I think you should go, Al... This isn't... right. You... you have a boyfriend! You should go home to him."


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 03:04:17 UTC
"He's not... really my boyfriend. We just... happen into each other's bed once in a while." His own cheeks tinted pink, hands falling to his lap as he shook his head, "Look I'm sorry Mei. You're really pretty and nice and are, like, the sweetest girl I know."

A weak smile passed over his lips as he met her eyes. "Yeah... I kinda fucked up there. Sorry. You deserve a way more... awesome kiss."


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