[My name is] BASTARD SON~

Aug 13, 2009 00:48

WHO: Emi and 'Nando, but whoever else wants to join can. ^^
WHEN: Wednesday night. August 12th
WHERE: A random generic bar close to the Charleston apartment complex
WHAT: Drinking. oh and major BONDING TIME.

Fernando was late.

Five minutes late, to be exact.

His reason for being late was due to the less-than-stellar timing of his alarm clock, which went off fifteen minutes after he was supposed to wake up from his catnap. Fernando panicked, taking a very quick shower and throwing on his clothes as quickly as possible, so quickly he realised he forgot his cell phone and had to unlock the door so he could run inside, shove it inside his pocket, lock the doors again and speed-walk out of his apartment building.

Fernando hoped that his new friend - er, acquaintance - wouldn't be too impatient.

If everything went right this would be a pleasant end to a horrible day, started by one of his older cousins who decided to bother him (at eight in the morning, no less!) with a phone call announcing that she'd be arriving. Naturally, Fernando panicked and the day only went from bad to worse, leaving him exhausted. Alcohol was definitely an appropriate response to this. Not that he didn't love his family. Oh no. They were just crazy, even by his standards.

It didn't take so long for Fernando to spot Emi inside of the bar; maybe he was just lucky. Or not. Fernando DID remember seeing her, maybe even talking to her about who-knows-what? He approached her, and taking care to choose his words wisely, he said, "Um, hey. I'm sorry for being late, and all."

Not the best choice of words, but it'll have to do.

status: complete, south mexico, loldrunks, bonding tiemz, philippines

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