Your, um, culture is very, uh, interesting.

Jul 12, 2010 18:28

Who: Sadiq, Francis, and Hak Soo
When: Early afternoon, July 12th
Where: Some sort of History Museum
What: Sadiq finds the French culture interesting. The people themselves....not so much.

The halls of the small, local history museum were probably busier than they had been in months, with families browsing through the exhibits of the building's new attraction; the French culture. Sadiq himself had been drawn by the advertisement that had been pasted over a billboard near his home, intrigued by the pretty example of French art that had been displayed. Now he was bent over slightly, eyes squinting as he read the tiny text on the plaque next to the minature model of the Eiffel Tower, mentally wondering why the text was just so small. Of course, it might be easier to take off his mask, but with all these people around.....he wouldn't be able to live it down. No.

Using his finger to follow the words, he caught sight of a button on the other corner. Pausing in his reading, he curiously went over and pushed on it, startled when a cool, feminine voice poured out of a hidden speaker. Listening to it, he realized that she was repeating the exact same words he had started to read only a few moments ago. Ah, well, this was much easier. He regretted that he hadn't found it earlier.

That is, until the speaker tried to pronounce some of the French words. Sadiq blanched as she smoothly butchered the French language, no hint in her voice that she was aware of her wrongdoings. It only got worse as the recording carried on, torturing the Turkish man to point he wanted to claw off his ears. He had only taken one year of French back home in Instanbul when he was still in school, but even he knew that this was bad, even for an American accent. In an effort to stop it, he pushed the play button, only to have it start all the way over again at the beginning, much to his horror.

"What a terrible woman. She needs lessons in French." Groaning and deciding to come back at a later time whenn the recording wasn't playing anymore, he turned to leave and went to the next display, an exhibit on King Louis XIV. Appreciatively noting the detail that had been given to this particular display aloud quietly, he didn't notice the blond almost right by him until he axidentally bumped into him.

"O-oh!" Sadiq back off a few steps and turned to face the other person. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." He hastily apologized to the man. "Forgive me. I was busy admiring the exhibit, see. I hope you weren't bothered." Of course...he might be bothering the man now with his continued talking. Cheeks flushing a light pink, Sadiq cut himself off before he could say or annoy the blond further.

france, turkey, status: complete

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