WHO: The Older Siblings - Ivan and Yekaterina (Natalia can pop in~)
WHEN: Late Evening, July 7th
WHERE: Ivan, Natalia, and Yekaterina's Apartment
WHAT: Yekaterina returns home expecting the worst. She's only half right.
...comes a family reunion in Kirkland proportions. )
She got a grip, finally, and pushed herself away. "Tell syestra what's been going on, Vanya," she tried to state firmly, but her voice cracked, wavered. "More importantly, are you alright?"
"I-it is not important, Katushka..." he muttered between the eclipses of his hand shielding his eyes from the light in the door. "Just a long day at work... I have not recovered from the time differences between Liberty and Mosc-- wh-where have you been?!"
"Um, Washington..." she muttered, avoiding her brother's eyes. "It was, um, technical issues."
"And what is this about time differences?" she asks, changing the subject. "Where have you been?"
She settles for another statement that will give her a satisfactory answer. "And how is Uncle?" She tries not the sound upset that Ivan would see him, but she's sure thath her voice cracked. Again.
The younger sibling resettled himself, shuffled his legs, and gathered the tails of his scarf in his lap. "...uncle has... passed."
She glanced down at Laika, running her hand over her soft tail. "Has his funeral happened yet?"
"But I don't plan on attending... and I declined the same in regards to you and Natalia."
Her hands move, now resting on top of Ivan's. He's shaking, too, and somehow that's reassuring.
"Does Natalia know yet?"
And he'd forgotten how warm her hands were; so very unlike the petrified wood of Natalia's felt in places Katerina would never think. Her touch was always on his hand, his forehead - motherly and affectionate. He smiled at the far corner of his mouth.
"She does... I told her after I returned."
He's smiling, just a bit, and now she's smiling, too, despite the water in the corners of her eyes.
"Okay." So. She was the last to be told. Is she really so fragile? Or was it simply because she was gone that she was uninformed? "How did she take it?" And, before she could stop herself, her mouth was asking, "How are you taking it?"
The smile in the corner of his lips twisted into something demonic and unseen in the darkness.
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