The Flyer Is A Lie

Jul 06, 2010 15:05

Who: SUPER BROWS BROS. (England and Hong Kong)
When: Mark your calendar! It’s Tuesday, July 06
Where: The Basement of A Cheap Office Building, Outside Room #B5
What: “Z-Zhi...come with me if you want to live!”
Note: For the prompt activity: American Dragon Association.

As the music stylings of one Michael Bolton crackled nosily through the lift speakers that had seen better days, Arthur fiddled with the folded piece of paper in his hands. Opening and glancing at the paper, before refolding it again when he saw that the contents within hadn’t changed since he looked not ten seconds ago. If this indeed was the Libety Business Center (not a typo, the metal R in the placard outside had been lost or stolen, and instead of replacing it, they apparently just changed the name) then Arthur was in the right place.

Though said right place…wasn’t exactly what Arthur had in mind.

The front could be called shabby at best, what with the dead planters...old chipped paint…the architectural design that looked distinctly from the 70s…the beat up wooden sign outside advertising the O fice Spac s for Re t...

Understandably, Arthur had his doubts when presented with the exterior, but with another look at the slightly crumbled flyer in his hands, he reluctantly went inside...which seemed to be as abandoned as the outside. But with peeling wallpaper and a strange odour in the air instead of chipped paint and broken signs.

And now the lift...well, it was a good thing he only had to go down two floors. The carpet under his feet was stained in various places, and littered with paper circles that were usually the result of hole punchers. One out of the two fluorescent lights overhead was dead while the other was flickering sporadically. And there was a worrying dent in one of the walls that was as big as a grown adult male...

The almost half-hearted ping of the lift as it reach the destined floor with a disturbing squeaking noise was a godsend to Arthur as he practically scrambled out of the potential deathtrap…and into a damp, leaky basement trying to emulate a dungeon that almost had him vaulting himself back into the lift. But, he hesitated too long and the doors shuddered shut, not to be opened even when he rapidly pushed the lift button.

Stepping back with a defeated sigh, as the lift showed no signs of coming back anytime soon, Arthur took the flyer in his hands and looked it over once more.



Meetings every Tuesday! New members always welcome!

Libety Business Center
Room #B5

Please bring your own materials. And please no Swordmages, we already have enough of those.

It looked interesting enough...and if it was what Arthur thought it was, then it would be more than rewarding to continue on and just peek in... Deciding that just taking a look wouldn’t kill him…as long he didn’t touch anything, Arthur reluctantly moved away from the lift, looking for this Room #B5...

this shit just got real, status: incomplete, do you believe in maaagic?, prompt activity thread, england, hong kong, this never happened, super brows bros., american dragon society

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