Do not try this at home....

Jun 25, 2010 17:27

Who: Sindre, Moon and NPC cameo by Valdi
When: Friday, June 25th, afternoon.
Where: The outskirts of Liberty, aka THE FOREST BY THE UNNAMED LAKE
What: Manry men go camping. Nuff' said.

To be quite honest, Moon had been looking forward to this weekend. His leg was practically healed, so he didn't need anything for it anymore. He was going camping with a new friend and the guy's brother. It could be fun.

They were also going fishing, which he hadn't done in years. Should be interesting to see how he'd do this weekend.... Maybe at least one fish would hook. Freshly caught fish tasted better for some reason. Maybe cause you know it's your own effort that caught it.

Sindre was gonna bring the tent, so he just packed his own things, and also brought his bow and some arrows. They were gonna be in the forest, so why not relax with some archery? The last time he did something properly of the sort, he accidentally shot someone in the shoulder TORIIIIS.

Moon stretched, checking over his things one more time before leaving. They were just gonna meet up at the place by the lake in a little while.

Change of clothes? Check.
Fishing rod? Check. Where did he get it from again....
Random food? Check.
Bow and arrows? Check. Not the big, fancy one, but a smaller and easier. 
Sleeping bag? Check.
Toothbrush and toothpaste? CHECK....

He sighed, and looked out the window, raising his bag. The weather was said to stay nice for the weekend. Which was good. Now to head out there...

liberty wilderness, status: complete, mongolia, thank god it's friday, bonding tiemz, norway

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