I did not forget to post this... or the other one im posting...

Jun 04, 2010 08:55

WHO: Feliciano and Ludwig
WHEN: June 2nd evening after the party (time jump back)
WHERE: Mansion then Surprise dinner spot as picked by the lovely fiance~
WHAT: A romantic birthday dinner~ and some feet rubbing legs under the table
RATING: FG for flustered German and DI for devious Italian~

Feliciano grinned, waving to the last of his guests as they left, from the doorway. It’d been fun~ A lot of his friends showed up, the scary butlers who knew how to fight didn’t need to do anything and no alcohol related incidents occurred. He’d had a glass of wine around lunch but that had been all. He had to be ready for dinner after all~!

“See you soon, ve!” Once the last car was gone he slipped the door closed and skipped upstairs, shedding within feet of his room despite the guards standing in the halls. When had he ever cared about something like that? He closed the door, singing under his breath and tossing the clothes into the hamper then plunging into the closet. Ludwig had mentioned in passing to dress nice so he would… Once he found those suit pants at least.

It was half a disorganized closet later and a mountain of clothes in the middle of the room that he found the suit combo he was looking for. A bit of fumbling and he slipped into the green silk shirt and black slacks and jacket, dress shoes in hand as he kicked the mass of clothes back into the closet. He would have plenty of time to organize, later.

Now he just had to wait for Ludwig~*~*~*

fail!date, fail!flirting, happy birthday to me, status: complete, germany, north italy, awkwardness: i has it

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