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Dat Icon brawldownunder June 1 2010, 21:24:59 UTC
Logan walked out the liquor store with a six pack in hand and headed home...on foot. He was never going to forgive Vash until his boot met the bastards face and he shed blood of forgiveness. He was of course plenty worried about him and the other two passengers but seeing as how he hadn't heard of any recent tragic deaths due to a horrible car crash, he was sure they were fine. Maybe scratched up a bit but nothing they couldn't walk off.

His car on the other hand was a whole different case. It couldn't just walk off those scratches, it was beat up, falling apart and dying. Logan was planning to mourn for it's loss the only way he knew how; drowning himself in the sweet amber fluid. But misery loves company and drowning's always fun with another person so Logan was glad to be getting home to a good roomie and great friend to share this night with ( ... )


There's more where that came from, Bb. man_nav_naudas June 2 2010, 01:35:57 UTC
"Evening, Logan ( ... )


I expect much moe moe kyun kyun from the latvian brawldownunder June 5 2010, 19:18:52 UTC
"Don't worry about me mate! But meeting halfway sounds good..." Logan's smile softened and he brought up a hand to rest on top of Raivis's head, just to feel the boy, but then he dragged him into a tight hug. With their position on the couch, Logan only used one arm to wrap around the boy as the other ruffled the smaller male's hair.

"I missed that innocent mug o'yers!" He stopped harassing the boy to grab another beer then let his arm just lazily rest around Raivis's shoulders. "Yer the one I want to be with when drownin' away my sorrows, mate. Now let's get rotten." He took another long swig of his beer, his whole body relaxing as the liquid toxin filled his stomach.


You betta' believe it~ man_nav_naudas June 6 2010, 01:03:06 UTC
No need for suggestion; as Logan lifted his bottle, so too did Raivis lift his own, downing it with far more relentless enthusiasm than he had mere moments before. His roommate's vivacity was infectious, it always had been, but there was only the dark hours of the night to match Centralia's drunkard beer for beer and brief, half-lidded glances to the clock declared that those distant dawn lit hours were in fact entirely too close. Not enough time. Not enough in all the world for the amount that he wanted to spend mending the fraying nerves he'd all but shot to hell ( ... )


BIG BROTHER LOGAN GOT YO BACK BB brawldownunder June 7 2010, 23:42:07 UTC
Logan was already on his third beer when Raivis returned from the kitchen and had guzzled it down when his room mate was back at his side. He took another beer from the quickly emptying package and knew he too had to make a trip to the kitchen soon if he planned on getting shit-faced rotten. A six pack didn't even get him slightly tipsy ( ... )


BABY GOT (my) BACK man_nav_naudas June 12 2010, 21:14:00 UTC
Beer or familiarity, Logan's fevered hale-storm of jabbering made significantly more sense at the moment than it usually did, a change in perspective that had Raivis chuckling into his drink as a heavy palm laid waste to hair that already made birds' nests look tidy. No idea what the man meant by 'black suits' but the prospect disturbed him enough not to pursue. Strange things happened in Liberty, it was a sizable enough city. He'd dealt with enough men and women in the Doctor's office to know that their paranoia wasn't often simply a product of an imagined danger ( ... )


Sorry my responses are sucking lately orz brawldownunder July 8 2010, 22:55:15 UTC
Perhaps because Logan was so thickheaded, but he never noticed how troubled his small room mate was. He was never good at reading people and his head automatically filtered less manly feelings into the trash bin in his head so anything to do with pure manly instinct was the first thing that came to his notice.

But his deep care for Raivis's well being broke through that filter and Logan was made aware of the moments in life where not everything was "ace" and it's not a very "g'day".

So he actually thought on his room mate's question seriously and the first thing that came to mind was his family. Then a certain Kiwi's face popped into the picture unexpectedly and Logan had to shake it away.

"Insecure...well o'course I have. Always insecure when it comes to family..." he trailed off, not sure if he wanted to keep talking about it. It's how he could stay in high spirits all the bloody time.

He just never talked about it.

"But what about you? What's eatin' you, mate? Whatever it is, I won't judge ya."


NO MORE THAN MY TIMING, BRO. man_nav_naudas July 12 2010, 21:23:39 UTC
"Family." Raivis responded aptly, nursing his beer, lifting it to admire its fragrance while he pondered on one of life's many inevitables: Relatives. "Mostly... After all of those strange calls when I first moved here and Andrej's disappearance only a few months before mine... I've been thinking things have gotten worse since I left Latvia."

The flavor of the name was bittersweet, lingering on his tongue with a cloying, unmanageable aftertaste no amount of gulping seemed to erase.

At a kitchen table in the heart of Riga, Rihard would be divulging on a snack of pickled mushroom and Kvass. In the district of Āgenskalns, Andrejs would likely be watching his peers play futbol while he ate stale pîrâgi, dreaming of the day his aspirations for fame and fortune came to pass. Anya would be working, tirelessly, in the Nouveau districts- Alberta iela- that she loved so dearly ( ... )


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