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DO YOU THINK I'LL FALL FOR THAT SCHEME TWICE (Also, open thread starts here~!) moe_moe_desu May 19 2010, 03:10:37 UTC
Teetering Walking into the club, Kiku was immediately struck with the most horrible sensation of Deja Vu. The terrible American music, the shameful depravity of the dancers, the obnoxious smell of smoke and alcohol. Yes, he was definitely in this place again. Oddly enough, he didn't even notice that most of the "shameless" couples were the same gender.

Almost at once he saw Feliciano making a beeline for the bar and he quickly placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. Or at least catch his attention.

"Are you sure you ought to be drinking? You are driving home tonight, are you not?" Kiku asked incredulously, a mildly disapproving expression tugging at his lips. There was no way he was letting Feliciano make a fool out of them this time.


AH BUT YOU WILL~*~*~ AND COME MY BRETHEN LETS GET DRUNK AND SHAKE HIPS~*~*~* loves_pasta May 19 2010, 20:32:35 UTC
Feliciano paused, looking over his shoulder with a quirked brow, foot tapping impatiently. He pouted at the question and simply shook his head.

“Kiki it’s no fun if you don’t have at least one!” He shrugged his shoulder and took another step towards the bar. “Besides I’ll only have one or two fruity ones, ve~ I’ll be fine by the time we leave.” If he could show restraint at least the plan was a good one. Then again the Italian wasn’t really known for restraint in anything, least of all food and drink.

Grinning as if nothing could go wrong he gently tugged his friend to the bar and found two free stools. “We’ll stay here a while, ve~” He grinned then leaned over the bar to call the bartender over. “Two Lemon Drop Martinis, please, ve!” His grin seemed to widen as the bartender nodded then moved off.

“There’s barely anything in them, I swear~” He promised his friend, swinging his legs and looking around the club. His grin faltered and he turned his attention back to the bar top. He sort of wished Ludwig would come out with him like


SO YOU ADMIT THAT IT WAS A SCHEME? DAMN YOOOOU LDM! moe_moe_desu May 20 2010, 00:57:43 UTC
Kiku sat down on the stool next to Feliciano, just to humor him. That, and because it hurt to stand. How could anyone walk in shoes like these!? He already planned on staying sober for the night because he knew that- between the two of them- Feliciano had very little instincts of self-preservation. Actually, compared to just about anyone, Feliciano seemed to care very little for his health or safety.

At least he hadn't tried ordering any lewdly strangely named drinks this time. The bartender put the glasses in front of them and Kiku picked his up to look polite, pretending to take a sip of it to placate his colleague's whining.

Actually... A gentle lemon scent wafted up to his nose, slightly sweet and tangy. He never had a soft spot for lemonade before, but it did smell quite nice.

Maybe... one sip couldn't hurt ( ... )


Feliciano idly poked the mixed drink, still frowning slightly. Their date hadn't gone as well as he planned, Ludwig still had a habit of ignoring him and the wedding was growing closer still. He now knew why some brides went insane, this planning was torture all alone. A double wedding to boot, with no help from the other three wa starting to wear him down ( ... )


SAYS THE ONE ORDERING STRONGER DRINKS moe_moe_desu May 21 2010, 03:41:44 UTC
Kiku had a very vague idea on the nature of "stuff" that was going on in Feliciano's life, but seeing as he had shut himself up in his house for the past month or so, it was hard to remember clearly. All he could come up with was his supervisor's intimidating face, and Feliciano in a white gown for some reason. Whatever that meant.

The bartender put the next round of drinks in front of them, assuming that Feliciano had called for another round instead of a refill for himself. Kiku leaned against the bar top to make a grab at his own glass and briefly contemplated the consequences of trying to dance to tone-deaf American techno.

It would mostly like result in a twisted ankle in these death-trap shoes, but even these sensible thoughts were quickly washed away with another rather strong shot of martini (he had already long forgotten his vow to stay sober; or at least limit himself to one drink ( ... )


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