Have You Heard the One About the Insomniatic Kiwi-?

May 03, 2010 01:02

WHO: John and Loto
WHEN: May 2nd, Sunday, early evening
WHERE: The streets of Liberty~ Central square
WHAT: Can't sleep, can't work, can't think can't handle his mum's constant nagging. A restless man scours the streets in search of inspiration...

Liberty had a knack for turning up the strangest things, peoples, events, at the most peculiar of times. It was something of a given to one traversing the world after midnight that one would find the oddest of individuals in venues still open at the godless hours of the day and it was exactly these, the creepers, the peepers, the stranger manifestations of humanity that John was striving to encounter. He'd left both roommate and relative sleeping soundly in the flat. Locked the door behind him with a lingering guilt that he'd not even left a note.

Presumably, he'd be back before either of them awoke in the morning.

Factually, John wouldn't be entirely surprised if he managed to distract himself for longer than that. Jared would leave for work likely without caring too much about such a discrepancy. His mother...

Would skin him alive, admittedly, but sleep, no matter how much he tried and how many pills he seemed to down, would not come.

Better to be productive, at least, than to be trapped in an endless cycle of ineffectual sheep counting.

He crossed at the cross walk, road devoid of vehicles, reveling in the hush as much as it annoyed him no one was about.

A drink maybe? Maybe not.

John passed the local 20 screen theater with the passing thought a movie might serve as decent creative stimulation, stumbling over an upraised crack in the sidewalk a moment, nearly crashing into the poor bloke coming from the opposite direction.

"Oi. Sorry about that, mate. Might want to watch your step, eh?"

status: complete, antarctica, kirkland family reunion, new zealand

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