We'll pretend it's thursday, m'kay?

Mar 26, 2010 21:04

Who: Berwald and Peter
When: Thursday, March 25 12:30 AM,
Where: Campus
What: Peter~ D:

[[EDIT: Happens after Berwald gets this:
[Voice message left on Berwald's phone]
Message sent 11:55 AM, Thursday, March 25

Hello, Mister Ox-... Sir, this is Jennifer calling from Liberty University Health Center in regards to your... uh.... our student, Peter Kirkland. We regret to have to inform you that Peter has fainted in class this morning and is currently resting in our facility. He is looked after by our staff but we would like to get him home as soon as possible for adequate rest. You are listed as his emergency contact, and we would appreciate it if you will pick him up. We are located on the south side of campus, behind the Bell Tower. Thank you for your time, Sir.]]

A car containing one very worried Swede curved onto the parking lot on the south side of the campus building. Said car had been borrowed from the furniture shop, which was not usually done, but the person responsible hadn't been able to say no to Berwald, as worried as the message about Peter fainting at school had made him. Few people could withstand that particular stare.

After getting out and doubling back to lock the car (he'd almost forgotten), Berwald hurried forward. He hesitated a moment at the foyer, before spotting a bored looking receptionist. She turned rather less bored and more terrified when Berwald swooped her way, towering menacingly over the girl.

"Need t' find Peter Kirkland. Heard h'...got sick," Berwald told her in a tone that brooked no argument, and the girl almost squeked, before pointing a shaky hand towards the location of the infirmary. Berwald nodded his thanks absently, and marched away in that direction.

sealand, status: complete, b-but i'm allergic to crying..., come to papa~!, sweden

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