Mar 09, 2010 20:22

 WHO: Matthew and Emiliana
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: Emiliana's apartment (the Charleston)
RATING: It's Manada, so anything goes~

W-wait! Don't drink that-! )

"hanging out", canada, status: complete, south mexico, there's this thing called murphy's law, i swear to drunk i'm not god

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Comments 14

what is with that icon? mounties_rock March 10 2010, 20:42:29 UTC
Matthew fidgeted a little as Emi came in and out of the room bringing the food and drinks. To be honest, he felt a little uncomfortable just sitting there while she made dinner, but she had insisted. And boy, could Emi "insist." She had practically commanded him to come to dinner tonight in a scene somewhat reminiscent of a mugging. Not that he particularly minded, he actually did enjoy Emi's presence and liked hanging out with her, but still...

"You didn't have to make a whole meal just for me..." he exclaimed, trailing off with a slight frown. He felt bad that she had to make it with her injured hands.

"I wouldn't have minded Pizza or something."


It's not a "I'MMA RAEP YEW" face, if that's what you mean. salylimon March 10 2010, 22:41:23 UTC
Nose crinkling slightly, Emiliana glanced at the blond with a poorly concealed look of offense. Pizza? Take out? If it wasn't Chinese take out or if she didn't have tests to cram for, she preferred her food homemade. God, Americans and their reliance on take out. Oh, wait. Right, he wasn't-whatever. Waving it off, she smilied once more. "Don't worry about it. I used the quickest recipe I could think of, so it's not a problem." She had been tempted to make something more...gourmet. But that kind of mole took days to make.

Sitting down and pushing the shot glass near the two empty glasses on the table, she motioned once again for the blond to sit. "Oh, uhm, it might be a bit spicy, so..." she trailed off with a sheepish grin.


mounties_rock March 11 2010, 03:34:55 UTC
"Well, thanks. This looks delicious." he said looking at all the food she had prepared. He got himself some chicken and poured the sauce (mole or something she'd said) all over it. She had said it was spicy but, Matt usually liked spicy food so he was sure he could handle- WOAH.

Upon taking a bite of his chicken he felt like his mouth was on fire. Holy crap! Wat had she put in this sauce? He started choking a little on the chicken in shock, but after chewing a little more, managed to swallow.

Water, he needed water. Looking around he saw a full glass on the table and without thinking grabbed it, draining the liquid in one gulp. There, that should've- Shit shit shit, that burned, it burned.

"Holy fuck!" he said outloud once he could speak again, tears in his eyes from the spicy sauce and whatever that drink had been.


salylimon March 11 2010, 03:50:47 UTC
"W-wait! D-Don't drink tha-!" Too late. Wincing at the blond's spluttering, Emiliana stood up and grabbed the shot glass from him. "Y-You, uh, that was tequila," she finished lamely before setting the glass back down. Patting his back awkwardly, Emiliana made her way back to the kitchen to quickly grab a glass of milk (and the bottle of tequila for herself) for the poor blond.

"Here, this should help," she said, placing the glass of milk down in front of him while glancing at her untouched plate of food as she set the bottle of alcohol near it. It...it hadn't been that spicy when she tasted it. Or had it? Fighting back a sigh, she grinned reassuringly at the blond. "There's more food in the kitchen if you want to get something else. And it doesn't have the sauce, promise."


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