Mar 09, 2010 20:22

 WHO: Matthew and Emiliana
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: Emiliana's apartment (the Charleston)
RATING: It's Manada, so anything goes~

Mindful of her loosely bandaged hands, Emiliana slowly eased the simmering pot away from the stove. Stepping back, she stared at the pot of dark read sauce with a slight frown on her face. She hadn't seen Matthew for a while now due to her busy schedule, so while she had insisted on him coming over for dinner last week she had also forgotten to ask the poor Canadian if he even liked spicy things, instead opting to use the usual amount of spices and dried chilies (if not more) for the mole. Well, it was too late now. If he found the food too spicy, she could always run back into the kitchen, grab him a glass of milk, and maybe find something else for him to eat. Glancing at the leftover rice and chicken she had made (and purposely ignoring the black stains on her walls), Emiliana gave a slight nod. Might as well not drench a few pieces of chicken with the sauce - just in case.

Humming to herself, she quickly finished placing the food onto the plates before stepping out to the small dining area attached to the living room. "Food's done~!" She said with a slight grin towards the blond watching tv. Not bothering for a reply, she quickly went back into the kitchen once she had set the plates down next to the empty glasses. Oh, right. Drinks. They needed something to drink. Fingers tapping absently against the kitchen counter, she stood there, thinking. Did tequila only help with colds (if it even helps at all)? Because the pain in her hands was starting to come back and she hadn't taken aspirin since she woke up...

Shrugging, she poured herself a shot and gathered the pitcher of lemonade she had left in the fridge before rejoining Matthew. "Sit, sit~!"

"hanging out", canada, status: complete, south mexico, there's this thing called murphy's law, i swear to drunk i'm not god

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