You should consider crossdressing

Mar 09, 2010 23:35

WHO: Edna/Eddie and Kim
WHEN: Thursday afternoon, March 9th.
WHERE: Shopping first. Then the beach.
WHAT: Kimmy is talked into crossdressing. FUN ENSUES.

She was out of pho ingredients. Her clothes were actually in need of an upgrade, and they needed toilet paper and food. Kim saw no other option than to take a trip to the mall to shop. That horrid word; shopping. It made her want to bang her head against a wall. Quite honestly, she never understood why girls got all worked up and happy about going to buy a bunch of clothes they'd wear once or twice in their lives anyway. Herself used clothes until they were almost worn out, and then she'd usually upgrade them by sowing and that fancy design stuff.

After three hours, Kim had gotten what she needed, brought it home and gone outside again. It was nice weather, compared to Monday's stormy rain. The sun was lovely, and it was warm enough to switch to a lighter jacket. Kim put her hair in a loose ponytail what she could gather of it, at least and decided to take a little jog down to the beach, to breathe some nice, fresh ocean air.

When she got there, she stopped right by the sand, and caught her breath. The waves weren't big, and crashed nicely against the shore. She smiled and gave a stretch, before lying down and closing her eyes, relaxing. Oh yeah... This was great...

unintentional genderbending, status: complete, coral sea islands, vietnam

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