Liberty doesn't believe in subtlety

Mar 06, 2010 14:41

Who: Romano, Alicia
When: Friday 5th March, around 2pm
Where:  Essex Emporium sweet shop
What: Romano needs a substitute for smoking, Ali tries to help and fails miserably.
Warning: Very shameless flirting XD

He hated this part of town, absolutely hated it. It stunk of pompous French design- absurdly high prices, unnecessary sophistication and an air that made him want to retch. So why was he here?
Because as disgustingly sickening as it was, it was still a hell lot better than staying cooped up in his grandfather's house where everything that hadn't been paid with blood money was antique enough that not even Roma knew of it's origins.

While Romano hadn't been to this place in particular before, it was all part of a very feeble attempt to give up what had now become a rather bad smoking habit (or at least subdue the migraine and irritating symptoms with something other than wine and more smoking).
Of course he'd rather die than submit to anything influenced by France (let's not even touch on the fear that a certain Frenchman would happen to be inside), prompting him to question again why Vichy Plaza of all places. Fortunately the Italian's  perpetual stubbornness prevailed yet again and he had no trouble beelining it to a very fancy and extensive looking (yet less French) sweet shop.

Without much of an idea towards where he was or what he really wanted Romano began to wander aimlessly down one of the aisles, raising an eyebrow at some of the amazing absolute crap that children seemed to find popular. He eventually found his way to the chocolate section, attention immediately drawn to a shelf of supermarket-quality brands. Chocolate was chocolate afterall.

francis badtouches the world, belgium, what are personal boundaries?, i'm too sexy for my shirt, south italy

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