Sep 03, 2006 22:35
Well, first week of school has come and gone and I survived, for the most part. Tuesday I got in an accident on the way to food for thought, I was rearended. Thursday I overslept for a random reason, ask me and I'll tell, don't want the whole world to know. Outside of that all is well.
Psychological testing is going to be a lot of busy work from the looks of it. Going to be kind of dry and boring. All the same, will be easy. Looking at a "B" overall in that class.
Ceramics, is going to be interesting. Alot of wheelthrowing. My least favorite thing in that. I hate the wheel with a passion. At the same time, I will get a little more help than I did in highschool so that may help out. He liked my pinch pot though. No complaints from him! Rock!!! Thinking a "B" as well, mostly cause of the wheel.
Advanced Child Pyschology is going to be lots of work. I should survive though cause it will be fun. I love the teacher and the class is already going great. Loads of fun! I love it! I'm thinking low "A" high "B".
Last class, Offender Treatment. Pyschotic teacher. Can't be late to class. Totally pointless to go if I'm running 5 minutes late. Evil! Should be a relatively easy class outside of that. Thinking a "A".
Work is going great, outside of getting dizzy after so long. I like it. We have a new guy that transfered from Daytona, he's kinda hot. We'll see how that goes. He was a kick to hang out with today. I think I work with him on Tuesday. That would be fun! :-)
Halloween horror nights is in like a month and a half! On the 15th I'll be booking the room and getting my ticket stuff. I so can't wait. Perfect way to spend my birthday. I love it! Go and get scared to death. Not really, cause I know that they can't touch me. I had one follow me around last year. I only know he was there cause I could feel the heat off the chainsaw. He was close, but gave up when he realized I wasn't getting freaked out. I love it though! Rollercoasters at night, and things like that. Totally rocks. Just sucks that it's only going to be in Universal this year.
Well, some of this I think I'll hold off on posting till I talk to Ryan.
Outside of that random stuff, that's all!
*hugs and kisses*