May 24, 2006 10:31
So, after 3 hours of cleaning the lighting booth (which does indeed have a floor.) I went to rant to Stabeno about Cooper. I got there aroun 11:15 and I told her all that had happened and I had a complete nervous breakdown and just started sobbing in her office about my parents being assholes and friends who hate me because they think I hate them which is beyond me, If I'm gonna be mad at anyone, should'nt I be the one to decide that? Honestly. I understand if someone has a problem with me, but I would rather they come to me first, instead of having to wait 2 days and hear it from someone else.
Anywho, after that I had two fistfulls of Reyna's cake and some of Kenzi's cocoa. Tay, Jamone (Zander) and I went to the checkered hallway during seventh period and had a lot of fun with Mr. Stoners tape recorder haha. That reminds me...After a good hour and a half of working on that stupid tape for English, the class voted us off for "being too good." or "too strong of competition" I was like, WTF? Since when is that a legit reason to knock someone out of the game on the first day? And we were the most prepared there. One of the groups organized thier's 30 seconds before they performed and they stayed in. People fucking piss me off.
I went to Taylor's after school so she could work on kenzi's stuff while i watched "The making of: The Sacrament" and"Buried alive by Love" which was awesome. I love how I can be a complete and total obsessive fangirl around Taylor. Everybody else is just " Ew, Lauren that's gross. I hate HIM" or "Ew Lauren, you're obsessive." Yes, yes I am. And I am proud to be obsessive. I slipped and fell down Taylor's stairs after trying to replicate Bam's "I'm going up the stairs! I'm going down the stairs!" Flailing thing. It hurt.
We then did some stencil-y stuff for her dad and snagged some Crack-in-a-Can and walked over to Kenzi's. All in all, a pretty damn good day.
Em- what do you need to talk to me about? Is everything okay? Is there something wrong?