Mar 18, 2006 18:56
So I moved last....friday to a new apartment in Beaverton which is exactly 22 minutes walking distance from BHS.I havent decided if this is a blessing or a curse but I will get back to you on that. Monday, nothing eventful happened that I can remember because I didnt go to school. OH yeah, I went to Kenzi's and had fries. Tuesday was....uneventful as well. Wednesday, we met about the documentary which sounds AMAZING by the way. Also I went and enjoyed Highland Parks Culture Fair on either tuesday or wednesday (I cant seem to remember). And hung out with Chrit at her house. And ate bread. Amd told jokes of a traumatized child name little Johnny and all of his almost vulgar encounters. Thursday, I got comandeered by Al and Morello during advisory, jazz combos and french two for lighting. We had a blast. I have to go sit in during Acting instead of Jazz combos more often. Thursday was also the Choir concert which was entertaining to say the least. Chris and I went to 7-11 afterwards for frawg slurpees and got royally creeped out by the cashier. He was dancing with us. We decided to leave and car-dance in front of the Blockbluster on Allen. There was a man there with a lumpy, misshapen ass. We were going to car-dance in front of the liquor store but couldnt get close enough to it. We then decided to test the 4-wheel drive on Chris' blue CRV up in Andy's cal-de-sac. We ended up 4-wheeling on the foot paths in someones backyard. Thankfully, they didnt look out the back window to see a vehicle in thier backyard. Friday, I got commandeered by Al again during first period to hang posters and work on lighting. We then sat up in the guard room. Which was locked so I had to go get the key from Bates who looked at me and told me he better not catch me up there kissing boys. Lucy agreed because apparently I'm "not very picky". Pfft. Not very picky my ass. During 4th period we went downtown and bought croissants. Mmm croissants. Didnt go to 6th period, instead I hung out with Domy and Mike Rathjen. We formed a pb and j sandwich into a ball and shoved it under the door jam of the double doors next to the drinking fountain next to the band room. We proceeded to poke it with various junk found at the bottom of our backpacks. NEW KID in Creative Writing. Hes very nice and very cute. Teehee. Went to Pie with Hilary, Al and TJ Went to bed last night at like 7...I dont know why I was so tired but oh well. Kate came over for a bit and disturbed my shower. >_<. Watched four hours of CSI and Hostage (that movie with Bruce Willis) which was good but creeped me out. Espececially since it was about a psychopath named Marshall. Not good for Lauren. Not at all. Anywho, more later.