11 signs of love

Aug 20, 2005 22:11

these are the 11 signs of falling in love....

11. You'll read his/her ims over and over

10. You'll walk really really really slow
while you're
with him/her...

9. You'll feel so shy whenever you're with

8. While thinking bout him/her...your
heart will beat
faster and faster...

7. By listening his/her voice..you'll be
smilling by

6. While looking at him/her..you cant see
the other
ppl around you...you can only see that

5. You'll start listening 2 love songs.

4. You'll really really like love songs...

3. You'll get high just by his/her smell...

2. You'll realize dat you're alwayz
smiling to your-

1. You'll do anything for him/her........
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