Apr 20, 2005 15:13
Havent done this in soooo long but anyway....
stuck at school im in craft but now that paulas left :( im stuck with all the boys. They find it funny to rip it out of me just because im a girl how unfair!!!! And to make it worse i seen my ex today and i really didnt want to see him, i hate him, seriously, hes a prick.
Me and Jason had an argument the other day, so unfair :( and all because i might and its a big MIGHT be going to university but i wont be for like another 3 years at least. Ive finally figured out what i want to do with my life, well theres a couple of options but ill get it sorted (hopefully) cos i dont wanna be a bum the rest of my life.
and im finally getting better in p.e which is about time, i really need to get a 'b' or my chances of uni are out the window!!
i really want to watch the oc just now or spongebob...yea sponge bob!!
well im off just now cya