Mar 01, 2005 21:39
Hmmmm... I can't think of anything that I did today... I really didn't want to go to rehersal... I remember that... I came into this room just now for the first time today and I was signed on... I had like 7 IM windows open from ppl IMing me while I was gone... Oops...The second Austin Powers is on right now and there's this girl (Robin Swallows) who is wearing the most awesome dress ever... I have been singing all week. Like I will just break out into song... I don't normally do that.... I have 2 splinters, 9 bruises, and I'm still fucking sore... Damnit. ERIK JOHNS! Remember my damn movie tomorrow or I WILL kill you. Ok, not really :) But I WILL yell at you. Ok Ok Ok... I need to do something I'm sure. I have a test and a lab due tomorrow... Shit. NIGHT!
Compliments of Sarah:
^^^I'm marrying Heather!!!!