Haven't posted in a while. I blame everything on school ;D
so what have you missed? well...
My mom went to the hospital and I ended up sleeping at my aunts house for a week.
They weren't used to a girl who actually eat so the first day I was home again they joked
about that they didn't need to buy home anything (food) since now I was gone xDD
well, my mom is anyway home know and she feels better than before AND finally
she got in to the "smärtmottagningen" (paintreatment?) and hopefully it will be better
I love you mom<3
old pic of me and mom
What no one know, excpet thoes who where present is that I actually cried
when mom had told me she had to stay there longer than expected.
I didn't know I would miss my mom that much D:
but my dear cousin are so nice so they went with me to the hospital.
Love you guys<3
hongkish &
nishikidoai Other than that, nothing worth mentioning happend.. I think.
Well, with my memory, you can never be sure xD
It feels so nice *-*
I went and "fikade" at a café with some friends fomr the class and
and old classmate came by. It was really nice to see her again ^-^
then I was babysitting with my cousin Petra (
hongkish ), we made up som planes and all :D
And yesterday I watched all the Saw movies with the girls above :D sometimes they were so nasty that I looked away ^^"
Today I went home again, and I was forced to clean my room.. took more than an hour, hahah xD
it was needed .__. and now I've convinced Emma (<3) to come down and be with us on new year :D
so it'll be me, Emma, Jennifer, Petra and Linn *__* we're gonna have so much fun :D if all goes as planned :D
I'll see you new year!
nishikidoai &
nodame &
hongkish & me and Emma on her own photo xD
And also! It's christmas in 3 days!! :DDDDD
what did you all wish for? ;D
I'm gonna go christmas shopping with mom tomorrow, hehe :P
I know I'm late xD
- Anystar ★