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Her name is "Tazmia", "Taz for short. She weighs 1 lb 3oz
and is 5 weeks old. She is about the size of a TV remote.
I went for my daily lunchtime walk at work. And she was
sitting on the sidewalk, looking confused. It was only a matter
of minutes before she wound have walked off the curb and into
the road. She didn't try to run when I picked her up. Matter of fact,
she started purring when I held her. She was obviously dumped,
she is too comfortable with people.
I work in an industrial area and there are no residences and
no wooded areas where I found her. I took her home and the
other two cats (females) have taken to her very quickly.
She is very energetic and dexterous for her age. Based on how
quickly she acclimated to the home (3 days) and litter trained
(1 day) I believe her to be very intelligent. She is independent
and has never cried. She is quite the purr monster.
She and I have already bonded.
Big Yawn after recharging for more
high energy kitten madness.