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Jun 20, 2007 18:45

:: IMVU F.A.Q. - - -
Content last edited on 11/15/o7 @ 11:00am.

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Q. You are listed as a "Pro Developer". What exactly is the difference between you as a Pro Dev, and other Developers on IMVU?
A. First of all, see this link here. In my opinion, it is a gesture to your skill as a Developer on top of all the listed material. It is a privilege and a boost to your rank as an IMVU Developer. It should not be seen as a bragging right, nor should it be used against other non-Pro Developers. Just because you made Pro does not make you a better person then anyone else.

Q. You are a a really good Developer, what advice can you give me as a starting Dev?
A. I have a few things I like to inform people of, that are generally opinion based on my part. First of all - do not solid color fill your work, ever. Flat colors are cheap, and show no skill or drive in your work. Taking a few moments to add some shadowing and highlights, can really make all the difference in the world.

Next - never, never copy and paste real clothing images, or anything of that sort, into your work. It is not only cheap, it is somewhat a form of theft. You did not do the making of the item in real life nor did you do the photography - so how is that fair to those who did? Besides those points, it looks horrifically cheap on the IMVU Avatars.

Look around before you make or submit something. More so if you are modeling what you are making after a real life product you enjoy. It may look too much like another item, which could upset that Dev and other users. This can lead to conflict and drama that is just not a fun part of the IMVU lifestyle. Believe me that is a very poor way to start.

Q. Will you personally teach me to texture/create opacities/pose?
A. I wish I had the time to put into doing this for some people. I do enjoy spreading graphical tips and skills. However, I just can not even find the time in my days. And with so many people in need of the aid, or wanting of it, I feel it would be unfair to those I could not get to if I did somehow spend time on training.

Q. I purchased an item, but it is not appearing in my inventory! What is going on?
A. Ok first of all, hit the 'refresh' button on the upper right of your Inventory Tab. Close the client, open, refresh again. So this several times. Then open the tab where the item should be - it should appear. If not, try logging out of the client, and then signing back on. If you still are not receiving the item - wait 48 hours, and then eMail an IMVU Staff member.

Q. An item I purchased is not/no longer works. I want a refund!
A. The only reason an item will not work, or stops working, is it has been set to 'Mature Content'. This is something that is out of my hands, and though I often will contact IMVU to fight my Flagged Case, it usually is not something that will change. I do not set items I feel may be 'mature' to public catalog, ever. It usually is a retard that flags the item, and yes it is not fair. However, I will not refund in these cases. For more on my refund policy, see my profile.

Q. I added you to my friends! Why are you not adding me back?
A. First of all - I do not check my pending list as it is so large. Second, I will not add people I do not know and enjoy. This will not change for anyone, and is not meant to 'hurt your feelings'. For more information on why I would add you as a friend, see the 'About Me' section of my profile.

Q. Please, buy me _____________ [item title here]!
A. I really, really do not like beggars. First offense of this will just be deleted, but committing a second will get you banned from my profile permanently. My unwillingness to purchase something for you does not make me a greedy person, nor does it make me cruel. Thinking or saying such probably makes you a spoiled brat who does not deserve my time, either way.

Q. I really like your profile! May I use the code? Will you make me one?
A. First of all, thank you for liking it! Now - as to the first 'may I use the code?' HEAVENS NO! I spend time on my profile, I do not want a copy of it anywhere. I try my best to keep code theft away, that is why I have the right-click blocker. As for: 'will you create me one?' Again, good heavens NO! I don't have the time, nor do I enjoy the coding aspect of profiles on IMVU. For aid on doing your own, you may see this link.

Q. I can not copy your Banner Code!
A. This would be due to my right-click blocker. But, you can still easily copy the code. After you highlight it, just hold down CTRL + C. This will copy it, and you will now have access to use of the HTML.

Q. Do you take requests for new products?
A. No, I no longer will take item requests. This is partly due to my not have much free time, as well as being because I am very picky about what I like and want my name on. If for some reason I offer to take a requests, it is not for free. IMVU Developing is my job - as in it is my only income form. And my price can be a bit much for some, I am very sure.

Q. Will you recolor an item? Hair?
A. Sometimes I will re-color an item. Usually if it is asked of me enough, or is simple enough. As for hair - yes. I will always take hair color requests. It is rather simple and does not take much time. However you must be sure you will purchase what you request, or I may in the future reject you doing such again with me.

Q. I love the super enhanced skins you make! May I request one?
A. Please, join my Fan Group: The Rotting Lab, to place orders. Be sure to read ALL the rules.

Q. I love the stickers you make! May I request one?
A. As much as I would love to be able to knock out stickers for everyone who wants one - I can not. Again, I have very little free time. So please do not request stickers from me. As well, please note that I no longer will post stickers to my main 'Lollirot' account. You may now find them @ LollipopDecay.

Q. Why do you not support LillyButterfly?
A. Allow me to make a first note to people who will read this. As I am writing her username and my reasons off of IMVU and its forums, and within my own personal space, I am breaking no ToS rules. So don't bother threatening to report me, it would do nothing.

As to answering the question. LillyButterfly has been a Texture Thief of mine for some time. Not only did some of the first items she submitted have my belts, over another 70% of her catalog included my belt textures and hip chain textures. As well as having some items that had my dress textures, and my opacity maps.

She is an un-creative, bitchy little thief and I refuse to support her or give her a second chance. As well I do not enjoy being in contact to those who are overly friendly with her.

For proof of SOME of her theft:
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here

Q. Is there any other persons I should watch out for?
A. Currently there is also the user RosalinaDepp. She also has thefted my belt textures and is using them on her items. Not only has she stolen from me and my material, but she has also stolen from the Dev Rae. We have yet to pinpoint other Devs she has thefted from, but are 95% sure there will be a number of others.

For proof of her theft on my part see:
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here

As Of July 5'th: Now there is the user JUST2PERFECT. She left three hair items 'Derivable' that had my hair texture on them stretched. So, I got a lot of proof on her! Here we go,

+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here
+ Click Here

As Of October 28'th: User 'mya2bootylicious2sw3' is added to the list. Who did she think she was going to fool?

+ Click Here

As Of Nov 10'th: The user 'Blusher' decided after stealing other peoples lips to add to her skins - she would give a shot at taking mine. Which, I spent hours on getting exactly right - so I think I would know my own work.

+ Click Here
+ Click Here

As Of Nov 15'th: The user 'NoOooB' took my semi-altered Lipgloss from my Lipgloss Tutorial - and used it on their skin. You can see the darker area of the top lip - where there used to be part of the word 'Sample' which he tried to cover. As well, I had removed the long strike of white shine on the bottom lip - there is only a bit of dodge there.

+ Click Here

Q. I wrote you a comment, why did you not reply?
A. There could be a few reasons. First off all, it may have been pushed out of my comments and then was missed by myself. Second, it may have been useless to reply. I can't reply to every praise users send me, though I would like to be able to. Third...well I might just be ignoring it. And sending a gift in the comment does not make me want to write back any more then I would have in the first place. So don;t try to bribe me.

Q. I heard you are a real bitch! What is up with that?
A. I will not even deny that. I am. I can be a very cruel, hateful, and negative person. Generally however I have to be PUSHED to it by a person. This can be done by say, threatening or attacking my friends - mooching and /or copycatting me or my material - talking to me as if you have the ability to win the fight - etc. Outside of pushing me to this 'Rot' side of my personality, I am a very caring, giving, and friendly person. Aka, 'Lolli'.

Q. I love a Limited Edition a friend has! Can you put it back up for sale?
A. Um, no? That sorta, kinda, a little bitty bit kills the whole point of 'Limited Edition'. Once my LE items reach whatever set number of sales it had - it is hidden and never returned to the Catalog. I don;t really care if you find it to be 'unfair'. Just watch for new LE items in the future.

Q. What Head do you wear!?
A. I wear Head4 from IMVU Inc. Now, it appears different for a reason. I wear the 'No Eyebrows' item, and then custom shaped brows from the wonderful Scarling. Usually her 'Perfect' ones.

Q. One of your items takes off one of my other items!
A. This is an issue I can not fix, and in all reality is not an 'issue'. A mesher places their item onto the node best suited for it. In turn, any item on that node or affected by that node - may be removed. Such as, some pants remove knee high/thigh high boots. Or how gloves, remove your nails. You just have to find other accessories and such in place, that you like too.

Q. I saw your Outfits Challenge Win Sticker! Which ones did you win, and what place did you come in?
A. "11/12/07 IMVU inc. - - - Congratulations! You have earned a prize in the 'Gothic Vampires' outfits challenge held on November 11, 2007. Your outfit was judged 24th best entry. You won a rare prize sticker!"

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  • Comments made out-of-line will be reported and then deleted from this page.

  • Questions not pertaining to IMVU, or that are just stupid, will be ignored and/or deleted.

  • For copyright / trademark information on my 'work', please see my profile.
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