(no subject)

Aug 24, 2007 16:01

Hello guys! what's up?
First: Happy Birthday Rupert!!!!!!! (19) [OH! my god! i love that guy <3<3<3<3.] I wish the best for you!
Wow! i've not post here about 15 days ago! i couldnt! cos I've been studing (sucks, sucks, sucks). OH! I have good news, Zac Efron (high school musical) is going to Madrid and i'm going to see him! well, i'm not totally sure but it's very possible! my aunt is going to give us a lift (my cousin and I) I'm very happy! :]... When I make sure I will tell you!

And now here you are some hp icons, I hope you like them. If you wanna take them, only tell me and credit, please.
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