May 03, 2005 19:19
yesterday (aka monday): soccer game in the pouring friggin rain!!! EVERYTHING got wet, it looked like our ship sunk in the ocean. then orchestra, i find it intersting that our only compensation for a year of torturous boredom, is...*drumroll* an old blow pop.
today: global-
(person)-"what did we do in global today?"
(person)-"what we were supposed to be doing?"
(me)-"i was sleeping i wudnt know, maybe sumthing to do with examining"
(person)-"examining what?"
(me)-"for me, my inner eyelids"
that shud sum it
band-hes not getting fired is he...
spanish-we'll just skip that
gym-pickleball totally rox my sox
lunch-"menstrual _____"
english-literally fell asleep, i almost fell off my chair