(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 15:23

i hate it when normal looking perople get on a tram and turn out to
be those ticket-inspecting people. GAR. it annoys the hell out of me.

i also hate it when someone ou care so much about and love to death
ignores you for months. but when he does talk to you...
he forgets who you are. it fucking hurts.

what the fuck is wrong with you justin. i fucking miss you.

on the semi-plus side, i got to wag two sessions of sport today.
but on the PUH-LUS PLUS side.. guess who was at the tramstop?
guess who was ALSO wagging? DOMMY. mmyus.
what wass kinda weird though, was that i was waiting for my sport group
to get ont he tram and leave. meanwhile, at least 5 trams went past..
when my sport class left, i ran over and gave him a little wave+smile.
another two trams went past. i was waiting for him to get on one.
but he didn't. three trams.. four trams.. FIVE FUCKING TRAMS.
he still sat there.. kinda like.. he was waiting for me to get on one.
and thats exactly what he was doing. i think. i got on the sixth tram,
AND SO DID HE. not only that, but he came and sat next to me. *spasm*
we touched. o_____________________________o
then he followed me to my train platform and got on the same train.
weird, huh? true story.

can't wait 'till valentines. i shall give him a rose. XD
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