Gaby and I (Sophie) made a survey for men on their perfect woman. So pretty please fill it out so we can pass health. And even tho it'd be really fun to joke around, please be serious or we'll look really stupid. So if u love us, fill out our survey! Also, we're gona make one for the girls about guys, so girls fill the new one out when we post it
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Feet : small ___ medium ___ large ___ DC _x__
Legs (shape of) : skinny ___ chubby ___ muscular ___ shapely _x_ DC ___
Legs (legnth of) : short ___ medium ___ large ___ DC _x__
Butt : small ___ medium _x__ large ___ DC ___
Hips : small ___ medium _x__ large ___ DC ___
Stomach : flat ___ small pooch ___ chubby ___ DC _x__
Breasts (size of) : A ___ B ___ C ___ D ___ larger than D ___ DC _x__
Breasts (shape of) : cone ___ round _x__ pointed down ___ turned up ___ DC___
Shoulders : narrow ___ normal ___ broad ___ DC _x__
Arms : skinny ___ normal _x__ muscular ___ large ___ DC ___
Hands : small ___ medium ___ large ___ DC _x__
Chin : prominent ___ dimpled ___ normal ____ DC _x__
Lips : full ___ thin ___ full upper lip ___ full lower ___ normal ___ DC _x__
Teeth : perfect ___ don’t have to be perfect, just not bad _x__ DC ___
Nose (size of) : small ___ medium ___ large ___ DC _x[not large]__
Nose (shape of) : perky ___ sloped ___ turned up ___ turned down ___ DC _x__
Eyes (size of) : small ___ medium ___ large ___ DC _x__
Eyes (shape of) : almond ___ round ___ asian ___ DC _x__
Eyes (color of) : blue ___ green ___ dark brown ___ black ___ grey ___ light brown ___ DC _x__
Eyebrows : thick ___ thin ___ medium ___ natural ___ DC _x__
Forehead : high ___ low ___ normal _x__ DC ___
Hair Line : widow’s peak ___ normal _x__ receding ___ DC ___
Skin : white ___ golden ___ olive ___ brown ___ DC _x__
Face : clear skin ___ DC _x__
Ears : small ___ medium ___ large ___ DC _x__
Eyelashes : short ___ medium ___ long ___ DC _x__
Hair (style of) : boy short ___ chin length ___ shoulder length ___ midback length ___ butt length ___ DC _x__
Hair (color of) : bleach blonde ___ dirty blonde ___ red ___ light brown ___ dark brown ___ black ___ DC _x__
Hair (texture of) : curly ___ wavy ___ straight ___ DC _x__
How She Dresses : shows off her body ___ modest ___ stylish ___ comfortable ___ punk ___ mix of styles ___ DC _x__
Pick the Hottest Celebrity : JLo ___ Beyonce ___ Britney Spears ___ Angelina Jolie ___ Halle Berry ___ Lucy Liu ___ Cameron Diaz _x__
Extra Stuff - put an “x” to all that apply : freckles ___ moles ___ birthmarks ___ tattoo ___ more than one tattoo ___ piercing ___ more than one piercing ___ DC___x__
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