Awwww~ Midorin (Ayato), Konchan (Subaru) and Tori (Shuu) singing together for the DiaLover OP theme "Mayonaka no Kyouen" and it's sounds adorable. X3
I like the artwork so much!!! <333
Rejet shared it officially on their youtube site:
Click to view
And thanks to a t-sempai I also got my hands on the audio file from the Drama CD with all 6 brothers together. That CD was only available as a special gift for people who bought all the other 6 Drama CD's so not possible anymore to get it especially since the individual chara CD's are also sold out long ago. ^^;
To be honest after listening to all of the individual tracks I really thought HOLY SHIT
1) this is dangerous because of the orgasmic-like dummy head microphone they're using (it feels like they breath, whisper and moan directly into your ear |D~~) and
2) wtf half of them are fuckin' jerks and the other half is kinda annoying *lol* so YES definitley S and not that likeable ^^;
In addition to that some seemed to be real psychos with their creepy behaviour so I was like okay........ keep calm boy *lol*
But this special CD was something I didn't expected o.O
The main difference is that it's not about the heroine anymore but actually the brothers are interacting with each other like a "family" well or more like a whole bunch of CHAOS x'''DDDDD
We get to see sides of them that weren't so clear before *lol* especially Reiji is absolutely not what I had thought of him at first. X'D He's like a mother hen who has to take care of 5 stupid kids, always the one who has to make them food and care for their well-being while no one is grateful for his effort ;__; (he really sounded more like an M in this track x'D)
He actually just wanted to enjoy a cup of his beloved tea in silence but then his brothers decided to crash the "party" and constantly bothered him with their shit *lol* It's a wonder that he just doesn't lose it ^^;
Shuu seems to be like a father who let the housewife do all the work and is practically always sleeping or not interested at all in what's going on.
Raito is like the older scheming sister who's happy observing all the trouble happening around her and enjoys the misery for everyone else.
Kanato is the SUUUUUUPER ANNOYING CRY-BABY D: who's hysterically whining and screaming if things doesn't happen his way or if he's getting ignored.
While Ayato and Subaru are the egomaniacs who always fight with each other about who's the best and while doing that somehow destroy half of the mansion they're living in. *rofl*
It's unbelievable that they haven't killed each other yet. XD
Btw some fans on tumblr were so awesome and fast that they already shared the translation for the fun:
Translation for the special 6 member Drama CD