And today was another great day

Dec 01, 2007 03:05

Hi guys!

Today was kinda rad. I woke up , did the whole school thing, wore yet another awesome outfit (XD) and I dunno! I just felt so bubbly and free! I'm happy =D

I complimented a guy on his cool sneakers and he had a giddy smile on the bus all the way back to the dorms. I was glad cos I made someone's day and made them smile! I like making people smile! =D

I went to Rittenhouse Square again, but I went with two of my classmates, Amy and Kathrina, and two guys I didn't know. One that goes by the nickname "Cha-cha" (because of some hypnotist thing at the beginning of the year) real name is Matt,  and "T-Pain" I really don't know why he's called T-Pain but his real name is Tyler!

Tyler lives next to...Ryan from "A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila"...I think his name was Ryan....or Bobbie. *shrug* Me no know, but apparently Tyler lives in a huge house just like the one from the show. Insanity.

Matt is tall and very polite. Quiet, but includes ya in his conversations when he does talk. I'm glad I made two new friends today. And they're guys. Thank god. I'm really sick of girls. I need just a guy friend here and there. XD

Anyhoo, Rittenhouse was nice! I was kinda cold cos I wore my Converses and since they're not warm at all, my feet froze T_T Booo. We interviewed a good amount of people between the 5 of us. Yay us! We had a good time laughing and joking with each other. Overall today was so fun and I was just in the best mood.

I even got my design mostly done! That's an insane accomplishment O_O;;; I knitted a foot in Kim's scarf and I watched a couple of movies with a whole group of my friends =D We saw "Something New" ..which made me feel a little uncomfortable at times, and "Four Brothers". "Four Brothers was a goooood movie. I cried cos Jack died!!! WTF! He was so innocent and stuff and he got shot like a bajillion times! WHY DOES THE ROCKER HAVE TO DIE!? I was really surprised I started bawling when he was shot. Everyone stared at me XD well I guess it was a little odd, but I kept crying. Damn, yo. XP  The actor was Garrett Hedlund which I was obsessed with when Eragon came out. He was just as hot in that movie as he was in this one. Ooooo he's so good looking  @_@ I'm really having this problem with blue eyes. I can't get enough! <3

Speaking of blue eyes, I didn't see Eric at the park XD I didn't expect to, but its just so that the curious know that he wasn't there. hehe.

Mm, I don't think I did much of anything else today. Lizz and maybe Ana might be coming to visit tomorrow! Wahoo! ^__^ I'm so excited to see them!

Kies, I'm exhausted and it's 3:30 am. Night, ya'll! ^____^  <3

interview, ana, lizz, amy, kathrina, four brothers, rittenhouse, something new, scarf, matt, garrett hedlund, hot, cha-cha, t-pain, kim, movies, tyler

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