Ok, I usually don't brood over this kind of things but this one has especially irked me, so I have to take it out of my system. And I don't even put it under the cut, sorry.
Few days ago I wrote a rec for a, IMO (but not just), very beautiful story. I'm not mentioning the fic because this is not the point. The point is: there were two anon comments criticizing the story and its Author. They had the burnt smell of a flame.
The first one was not even a comment, it was plain stupid mockery; the second one was polite but very stern.
My reaction has been very hard, especially since I thought that both the comments came from the same person, but, in a way, it was useful since the first commenter, probably scared by the fact that I told her she could be tracked by her IP, revealed herself, declared to be a different person from the second commenter and also tried to play the role of the victim °_°
After this, according with the Mod, all the anon comments and replays have been screened, with the hope this stays an isolate accident.
First of all, my apologize to the second anon commenter for thinking that she was the same person who posted the first one. This said, it doesn't change a fact:
They are evidence of cowardice.
If you want to disagree with me on something I rec, you are more than welcome. Actually I love confrontation, but ONLY when it is among adult persons who have the balls to “show their face” publicly, which means to post with their user name and not hiding behind anonymity.
Let's forget about the first anon comment that was, in fact, a stupid mockery of somebody else's very good job (envy? need to draw attention?).
This one goes to the second anon commenter:
dear second anon commenter, I'd have actually liked to debate with you around the reason why I love that story and you don't. You also offered a polite, even if a bit too stern, explanation of your point of view. Of course I totally disagree with you but I have no problem in disagreeing with people when I have the opportunity to carry on a discussion. The fact is: I don't to talk with anons because if I take my responsibility to state my opinion using my username you are, please, asked for the same.
And it is not just for me, but first and foremost, for the Author you are so hardly criticizing. As I said in my reply, she deserves A LOT of respect, both as Author and Person, and this has nothing to do with personal taste in fandom. To be bright like the sun: I don't mind the disagreement (what a boring world if we all thought the same way), but I condemn the method.
As I already said: it is too easy being judge behind anonymity. Show some guts, say what you have to say but do it using your name.
Apologize for my bad English.