Apr 13, 2011 16:58
Man I was so hyped up for the Global Link to finally open up from the very day Black and White came out here, but now I'm wondering what it was I was even excited for.
I'm probably in the minority that was more excited for Ranked Battles than the Dream World, but you have to forgive me as I'm a competitive battle nerd. The idea of checking out the website to see if you're the top percentage of awesome hooked me in, but the biggest attraction was that the ranking system would prevent the idea of ragequitting due to affecting their score. Turns out that Nintendo is still not capable of handling online properly, and there seems to be no punishment from leaving a match right before you lose at this point. So now I ask, what the hell is even the point of ranked matches? Not only are there way less people on ranked matches that aren't single battles (and I'm no fan of single battles), but the reality of the situation is that pretty much every match you're in is going to end up in a disconnection since it doesn't count as a loss on their part. If you're going to be a god damn ragequitter then play of free mode and don't waste my fucking time. I know online competitive play is inevitably going to have ragequitters, but you'd figure we would have already found a solution for this by 2011.
Oh well, at least I'm ranked number one in the United States (as of today) according the the main site. lololol
And there's there the Dream World. Wasn't preventing a similar server disaster the Japanese launch had... the whole reason Nintendo delayed the release for Dream World here in the first place(before the Earthquake)? So now you're telling me after all that, they still can't get their act together and half the community can't even log in to the damn thing? Really? I honestly wouldn't be that annoyed over it, but this is now just the fuel that is being added to the fire of ranked battle frustration. When Fennel says it may take five minutes or longer to complete the process, she really should have put a bit more emphasis on the or more part.
And I am done. My dear friends here should add me so I can stalk their Dream World process and stuff~
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