(no subject)

Dec 13, 2008 23:29

Here is my long and most likely pointless surgery update.

My surgery was scheduled for Wednesday December 10th. I had to be in Red Deer by 8:30am so we left at around 6:30. We got there in time but we still ended up standing around for a couple hours just talking. Which was probably for the better as I calmed down a lot having my mom and Blair there for so long. Though I had to stand in nothing but those buttless robes and a house coat over top. I also didn't realize I could wear my socks until I almost had to go in for the surgery. |: I was very cold. But they told me to take everything off! Even my underwear. So I did.

The lady also stood there confused for a moment and asked me if "Vag Flow" applied to me or not.

In case you are curious, it doesn't.

The porter came and Blair and my mom walked me as far as they could. I waited until the last minute to take my lip jewelery out since I was really worried they'd close up. I made Blair hang onto them haha. I got everything out but one of my gauges so they just taped it to me.

Dr. Westberg marked me up for surgery and I talked to the anesthesiologist and mentioned I get really sick from it. They wheeled me in for surgery and I guess it was Elvis day, because that is what I fell asleep to. Nurses singing Elvis.

I woke up feeling really dizzy and sick. The first thing I said was "SICK." and they asked how I was feeling, to which I replied "NEED TO THROW UP." And then I did. BUT ONLY ONCE! That's a very good thing. I was feeling really dizzy and out of it for a long time. I was slightly coherent, they were moving me around a bunch. My gurney was pushed from room to elevator to room. The second time someone spoke to me when I was coherent it was two very kind nurses explaining to me that they tried to explain that I needed to go to a mens ward, but they got it mixed up so I would be in a female ward for a bit and were just being extremely apologetic.

Honestly I just didn't care and didn't want to have to move beds again so I told them I appreciate the effort but I didn't really care anyways. I think they told them that the mens ward was full or something so I had to stay in there. All I know is my nurses kept referring to me as "The little guy in 13A."

Blair and my mom were there right away holding water for me. My mouth was CRAZY dry and it was terribly uncomfortable. Also for some reason my eyelids were sticking together and my eyes wouldn't open all the way hahaha. I looked pretty ridiculous.

I wasn't able to have water though because my stomach wasn't awake though the rest of me was. ;_; They let me have one sip of water to get rid of my dry mouth, but I didn't eat anything all night aside from some Toast the nurse had Blair make for me.

My mom and Blair were amazing. They stayed by my side the entire time, even though I just generally felt really just.. uncomfortable. But it was way better than feeling nauseous, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure they played cards on me. Haha. I woke up every once in a while and mumbled nonsense and fell back asleep.

They had to leave around 8 and I was restless all night having slept for most of the day. I would fall asleep for an hour and then wake back up. I did this until 10am the next day starting at 9:30 that night. |:

Going to the bathroom was ridiculous but I mastered it by the end.

I was discharged at 10 but they weren't going to be there to pick me up until 12.

There was a crazy snow storm on their way home and they almost got hit by a semi and ran into the ditch twice! I am so glad they're both okay and didn't end up in the hospital with me instead.

I had my drains removed and whatnot because I wasn't draining very much at all. But just as I was dressed and about to be out the door my roommate noticed that I was bleeding through my shirt. The nurses decided to check it out and when they pulled my binder off I was pretty much a tap running blood out my side where my drain was.

Dr. Westberg actually came back up and the nurses say that's an amazing thing because any other surgeon would have just sent me home with an extra tight bandage on. She came up and pushed on it for a good 30 minutes. It was pouring a bit when she got up there, but she managed to make it stop. I got clean dressings on and they had me lay there for another hour or two and then I went for a walk to make sure it wouldn't continue when I left.

Dr. Westberg mentioned if it did keep going I would have had to go back into the surgery room and she would have had to stitch it back up. Luckily it did stop, and better out than in, but they figure a blood clot must have been near my drain and when they pulled it out it must have gone with it and that would be when I started bleeding.

I was good to go though they put a clean binder on me and some ridiculously sticky itchy annoying tape to keep pressure on all the wounds in case they bled more.

I took them off this morning but I am STILL red/puffy/sore where the tape was and around the top of my binder. it is so annoying and I have tucked so much gauze in there to stop the rubbing but it just won't do me any justice.

I've been sore and Blair noticed a bit if blood over my left nipple but it hasn't made its way all the way through the dressings or anything, so I'm good. I am just a baby and I think that tape was really bothering me the first night.

Also because of the tape I had a ridiculous hunch the first day and I was walking like Quasimodo.

Here are some bad pictures. I can't take my binder off yet, so no topless ones, sorry! ;p

It doesn't really look like I even had surgery yet because I have so many bandages on.

Me looking greasy and dirty because I was sweating all day.

It still looks like I have boobs sort of haha.

I look like I have a double chin but my cats look adorable. Also they never lay like this with me. They must know I am in pain.

My lame curly hair. I can't exactly reach up far enough to do it.

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