Re. a discussion on
lolitics_meme here's a round up of all the fic from the last week. For unfilled prompts click
HERE. There is now a beta reading thread
HERE. And, always remember guys, fic feedback is love!
Please read the prompts / summaries and use your discretion - some of the fic may be triggery.
Sunday 26th December 2010
Charlie Smoking - anon.
Prompt: Somebody (G-Bro?) having a thing for watching Charlie smoke!!
Fill (
meme) -
biz_viz .
Prompt: In this - - brilliant porn star AU Fill EMil's described as Ed ‘Giving ‘Ed’ Miliband. To my mind this totally calls for really detailed blowjob fic in which Ed just can't get enough of it. I don't mind who he's paired with, though his brother is always a winner. (well, sort of... hehe)
Fill (
meme) -
biz_viz .
Prompt: Milicest where Ed gets off on giving, but has virtually no interest in receiving (as in, whenever David tries to touch him, Ed stops him, focusing all his attention on pleasing David instead). This doubles David's angst about the nature of their relationship and turns him into even more troubled and self-hating. What is my brain to think of these things. I feel mildly dirty. Um. I think I like my Milicest terrible and hopeless.
Half a Fill - anon.
Prompt: So after Baroness Warsi popped up literally seconds after the labour leadership result to be a meanie about spin against Ed Mili winning, one pundit pointed out that she was the 'Minister Without Portfolio', and recently, 'Secretary of State for Commenting on the Milibands' Based on the above, fic in which EdM is confused and scared at Lady Warsi slowly being revealed as a creepy lolitics slashy stalker type; with love notes, obsessive memorisation of Milifacts in interviews*, photo manips of him and his brother, etc..while DavidM is totally oblivious and initially dimisses Ed's attempts to persuade him as his brother having overdosed on horror movies? *what this makes me, idek
Home For Christmas: Mandelborne CP - anon.
Prompt: Tory CP AU Mandelborne. Corporal Punishment. Role-playing.
In the Business of Misery - anon.
Summary: Self-prompt: The Anthony Seldon book being paraphrased in that one Guardian article with regards to how Blair thought Balls ran the Treasury, Brown being so unable to make decisions inspired this. New Labour dysfunction, pure and simple: mostly TB/GB but with hints of Brown/Balls and OT3 to boot.
Mini Fill (
meme) -
biz_viz .
Prompt: The first interview Alan Johnson gave after the labour leadership result, the first thing he did was offer gratitude to Marion Miliband for 'producing such amazing boys/talents'. This anon's twisted brain went to an 'AJ is their father' prompt. Surely I'm not the only one here? *looks round*
Quick Fill - anon.
Prompt: I really want something that touches on Tony's Catholicism. Can be from anyone's POV and as gen or shippy or dark as you'd like. I know Alastair famously told some interviewer who tried to push the issue that "we don't do god" - but of course Tony does do god and I'm fascinated by what that would mean to people like Peter or Alastair or Gordon when it came to their relationship with Tony.
Reverse Lawdie MPreg - anon.
Prompt: Inspired by which was posted on the comm. Preferably not Tony or Gordon centric though *shivers* I'd take anyone else Minus Gove Wasn't there a mention of the possibility of a Lawdie mpreg at some point? Or anything to do with Laws? With h/c and angst and moar secrecy *cough*and pregnancy!kink*cough* Or omgomgomgomg Burnballs would be hilarious! Juuust not Clameron this time round
Straight to Video (Mandelan) - anon.
Prompt: I have a sudden craving for some Peter/Charlie fic... I quite like the idea of Charlie finding out something about Peter and wanting to use it for all it is worth, or something else entirely if some nice anon wants to write an idea of their own. :)
Strictly With Permission - anon.
Prompt: Vince Cable/anybody. I want snuggling & comfort fic for a sad Vince after today's events. He doesn't get enough love anyway, and today is a perfect time to rectify this.
Monday 27th December 2010
Fill - anon.
Prompt: uhhh...kind of embarrassing, but roleplaying of rough, animal sex? Preferably by people on the redder side of the House.
Mandelanbell Fill - anon
Prompt: Just being greedy really and hoping for a sequel because this was great. With the authoranon's permission would either they or anybody else write a sequel where the tape of Charlie filming himself and Peter falls into somebody else's hands and Charlie and Peter find themselves being blackmailed into another encounter? I'd love to see it all backfire on Charlie!
Milison Fill - anon.
Prompt: Any Milison fic. Dark/fluff/angst/crack, I don't mind... This meme needs more Alan Johnson love :-)
Mini Fill - anon.
Prompt: Mandelan (though this would probably work with mandelbell too) where the two of them is in a relationship of sorts...Peter because he is a sub, and needs someone who won't be afraid to go as far as he wants/needs them to do, and Charlie because he likes the idea of being in control of Peter and being able to hurt him (though with Peter's permission). I'd be quite happy with just the smut, but would love very much if maybe one or both has to deal with unexpected/unwelcome feelings for the other part.
Politics Exam Fill - anon.
Prompt: An AU where the leaders of the three main political parties are all female: Yvette leads Labour, Jo leads the Lib Dems and [woman of your choosing] leads the Tories (I legit only know two Tory women. I fail.) You can decide the political situation yourself - maybe it could be 2020? Maybe they could be fighting the 2010 General Election? Maybe they could all be in opposition as the Green Party won? HOW WOULD THIS CHANGE THE POLITICAL BATTLES? And super!awesome!Sarah Teather being Deputy Leader or whatever would be much appreciated. Hell. I could probably write you my dream Lib Dem Cabinet, so I'll leave it there.
Snark, Actually - anon.
Prompt: DAlex^2 prompt* If you travel standard class on a sleeper train to Scotland you get put in a compartment with a bunk bed. This means you might have to share the room with someone else. So, if we bend reality a little bit, the two DAlexs find themselves sharing a room on the sleeper train. *I'm fine with this being filled with other suitable MPs if a) one or both DAlexs don't take your fancy and b) you think it would be perfect for someone else. I'm sure I'll be entertained by whatever you throw at me.
The Tipping Point - anon.
Prompt: Self-prompt - in the same universe as hug-a-hoodie AU ( and its TB/GB continuation/spin-off/whatever ( This is once again Brown/Blair-centric but also features the other characters somewhat. Bonus Charlie Whelan just because.
Two in the Bed - anon.
Summary: Andy and Ed on a single bed, struggling to stay on and fighting. Warning: dub-con and breathily.
Yvette / E.Miliband Flatshare Mini Fill - anon.
Prompt: How about some Yvette Cooper/ Ed M gen flatshare-hijinks-when-they-younger type fic? (Crack or other.) Based on this quote from the BBC: "It was there - when she was sharing a flat with another young Labour researcher, who has now become her boss, Labour leader Ed Miliband - that..." This meme needs more rl general "Friends/Coupling" style fluff? Y/Y?
Tuesday 28th December 2010
Fill - anon.
Prompt: Alastair finding himself mysteriously jealous of Peter and Reinaldo's new relationship, and not knowing how to deal with it except by being rude about Reinaldo to Peter constantly, putting him down ("your little princess" etc). Peter ignores it for a while but is getting really angry, to the point that he eventually refuses to speak to Alastair, because he just perceives it as Alastair being a homophobic asshole who can only deal with a gay man who's celibate and unfulfilled, not one who's found love and has a partner. Not wanting to admit, even to himself, that he's jealous, Alastair has to find a way to get Peter to forgive him and try and prove that he isn't being homophobic (maybe being really nice to Reinaldo at a party... to the extent that Reinaldo is actually quite charmed by him, and, not knowing the things he's been saying, can't understand why Peter is so angry with him). Bonus if it ends in Alastair finally, stammeringly having to admit to Peter that he has some sort of feelings for him, and Peter refusing to believe it/convinced that Alastair's just trying to wind him up.
More Dystopian GoveBalls AU - anon.
Prompt: ...Please? It's been so long since we've had any new Gove slash on the meme. Goveballs being the obvious one. Or maybe some Goveburnballs, since we had a brief bit of Burnballs on one side of the house and Gove on the other during Monday's HoC (maybe Ed and Andy "ganging up" on Michael?). But frankly I'd take anything!
Next Generation of Spin - anon.
Prompt: so er..Kevin Maguire points out that Stewart Wood. Ed Mili's right hand man, the new Mandelson, is actually a very kindly and soft academic lecturer, faithful friend of Ed Mili for ever. Who has just been enobled, makign him "Lord Wood".
Naturally, his students took the piss, claiming it Ed had given him a 'porn-star name' . I think you know where this prompt is heading...
The Content of the Box -
apolesen .
Summary The Pandorical opens, and the Doctor knows what it holds. There is only one person in the universe who can help him. Amy is slightly surprised at who that is...
The Emissary -
polietics .
Prompt: Treasury-era EdB/EMil ;)
Two Gordons - anon.
Prompt: today my politics teacher made a joke about there being two Gordon Browns. WANT.
Wednesday 29th December 2010
5:55 - anon.
Summary: I said I'd post this a good week ago, but have only just got away from my slash-naive family for long enough to type it up. Sorry. Fluffy Lawdie fluff ficlet, dedicated to all Lawsfans who dislike snow/train combos as much as I do.
Cross Dressing Mandelan - anon.
Prompt: Nobody is more shocked than Charlie, when the prettiest girl in the room agrees to go home with him. He is gutted when she turns out to be Peter ;)
Fill - anon.
Prompt: Mandelborne or mandelbell. Either teasing George or bickering with Alastair, Peter mockingly acts submissive in some way...and George/Ali get ridiculosuly turned on by it. Do they act on it? Does Peter notice? Established relationship or not. (Or if someone's feeling adventurous, mandelbellborne.)
Fill - anon.
Prompt: Georgie getting taken care of by Pet for their one moth anniversary. Cuddles, bath, hair wash, full body massage, etc. Lots of fluff (but obviously snarking at each other the whole time) :D
NuLab MPreg - anon.
Prompt: The recent mpreg fills proved inspirational. This is sheer crack. (Does mpreg require a warning? If so, consider yourself warned.)
Urgency - anon.
Prompt: All sorts of preparation go into a big Prime Ministerial speech. But there is one touch that is very personal to David Cameron: he likes to speak on a nearly full bladder. This trick, copied from the late Enoch Powell, is designed to give his speeches a sense of urgency. But caution sometimes gets the better of Cameron, prompting a last minute trip to the loo. Source: Fail on Sunday - If that isn't a clarion call for Cameron watersports I don't know what is. I ship him equally with Nick, George and NickandGeorge but if anyone has other ideas, go wild.
Unprompted Clameron - anon.
Summary: Just nonsense, really.
Thursday 30th December 2010
Girlband!verse Mini Fill - anon.
Prompt: Petra/Georgie. Hot, explicit, kinky, loving sex, with hints of powerplay creeping through.With cuddling afterwards. watches Never Mind the Buzzcocks - anon.
Prompt: Alison (ex-Rosettes) and girl!BoJo (NuBlu) as guests on NMTB during Corfugate. Which means Simon Amstell still hosting, team captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey. Remaining guests of your choice. Cracky as you like.
Fill (
meme) -
biz_viz .
Prompt: In this
article about DMil's wife's reaction there is a sentence that struck me as a bit odd: "Witnesses said that Ed stood awkwardly to one side, looking on ‘in fascinated horror’." Could it be that we have it all wrong and not David is a robot but Ed?
Fill (
meme) -
biz_viz .
Prompt: Someone, anyone being turned on by DMil smoking. BECAUSE SMOKERS ARE HOT OK? And because we need more Labour fic :)
I Know It's a Sin (Clameron) -
polietics .
Prompt: Anon was wondering.. I've just re-read the unbelievably glorious and perfect and unf fics from the AU where Nick has a sex addiction. Although the stories ended so beautifully, I was hoping that perhaps that author might wish to continue for the sake of porn, where his desperation becomes so overwhelming that David just has to fuck him in (semi)public? Or maybe if that wonderful author has moved on, another anon might want to take this up as a completely fresh prompt?
Mini Fill (
meme) -
biz_viz .
Prompt: The Milibands on Jeremy Kyle.
NuLab Zookeepers AU (Mandelan) - anon.
Prompt: In which they are not politicians, but decided to start a zoo instead. Some ideas which could be used (or not): Tony being the showy manager, Gordon a grumpy treasurer, Alastair feeding the penguins in (inappropriate) children's shows, Peter being made to be the PPUFTZ*, and Charlie being the flat-cap wearing janitor sneaking fags in the reptile house and hiding giant tarantulas in Peter's boots. And obviously plenty of filthy fucking in the flamingo house. *Poo Picker Upper From The Zoo
Friday 31st December 2010
August -
mordentlore .
Prmopt: Pre-Lawsgate - DLaws is holding one of his constituency advice centres in Somerset. The last person there to talk to him is a teenage boy/girl, either A-level age or home from university for the holidays. Teen has some issue s/he wants to discuss - but after they've discussed it, DLaws notices that s/he is still looking depressed, and asks what's wrong and if he can help. Teen eventually bursts out that s/he knows s/he is gay, wants to tell his/her parents about it, but is afraid they're going to take it badly. What does DLaws say to him/her?
Confide In Me - anon.
Prompt: Something with George being vulnerable and angsty, and some kind soul comforting him (with hugs and kisses and orgasms).
Fill - anon.
Prompt: So a lovely anon wrote the fantasticly angsty fill 'Anyway': And I am shamelessly asking for more in this universe because I am a complete angst whore! I need to know whats happens next, eg: does George find out about the fragile state of the Mandellbell relationship from Nick and determine to break them up to get Peter for himself, will Alastair head for a complete breakdown if he sees Peter with George, and is Nick feeling guilty for what he almost got Alastair to do or does he now find he is actually attracted to him now he knows how damaged the man is.
Louder Than Words - anon.
Prompt: Quote by Charlie Whelan. 'We're not that similar, me and Campbell. He loses his temper and threatens to beat people up. Yes, I can be a bully but I'd never hit somebody. I'd run a mile if anyone tried to fight me.' Because I enjoyed the fic Samaritans so much can we have another fic where Alastair takes umbrage to Charlie's bullying of Peter, because after all, Peter's his to abuse not Charlie's and by the sound of the quote above, Charlie's all talk!
Never Let Me Go - anon.
Prompt: Mandelborne. Peter taking George's virginity.
NuLab Girl Band AU: Overload - anon.
Summary: Rosettes/girlband AU. Warnings for: girl group in-fighting, femslashiness, implied rough sex, strong language from the outset.
Respect - anon.
Prompt: Clameron watersports, please? As mild or filthy as any anon kindkinky enough to pick this up would like!
Seen the Rumours: Not Happening - anon.
Summary: Self-prompt:In Forum!verse, 1977 clears up some rumours, TonyPwns does the same, chaos ensues, marriage is proposed and New Year's Eve is anticipated.
Through the Wilderness - anon.
Summary: girl!Mandelbell PWP follows. Warnings for: girlband AU obvs, femslash if that's not what you're into, CP, implied force-feeding.
Xmas Clameron Fill - anon.
Prompt: There appears to be less-than-average quantity of semi-public/toilet cubicle sex on this meme. I am very disappointed in you, anons! This anon would personally like to see something involving George, but any pairing you think fit the type of prompt is entirely acceptable so as to right this wrong.
Saturday 01st Janurary 2011
Drabble Fill - anon.
Prompt: For shame, meme. Especially when they are always romancing each other being fly on the awkward squad benches. PLEASE RECTIFY THIS. Maybe Ben is pissed off DMil is rumoured to be going over to America and decides to catch him at the airport Russell-Curtis-movie style with sex in the airport toilets? Or does David, all lonely from not being the popular 'band anymore, act so sadcakes that Ben has cheer him up somehow. Does David plot the next leadership ascension together afterward, with Ben snoozing/checking out his arse? Do they have it off with Häagen-Dazs ice cream after getting all metrosexual with their makeovers? SOMETHING. PLEASE. IT'S TOO HOT TO WASTE. D:
Fill - anon.
Summary: GoveBalls, NYE, hate!sex.
Fill - anon.
Prompt: This anon has finally caught up with the Clameron press conference and its merry banter between the two of them. There's a point where David talks about them having dinner together, Nick interrupts to clarify it was a takeaway kebab, and David protests that he provided it 'very generously'. So, fic where David used to invite Nick round for dinner before the election but Nick always turned him down. Then since the election, for various practical reasons, they've eaten together but it's always been rustled-up food like that ham salad or takeaways, and Nick always teases him about it and jokingly refuses to believe he can cook. This press conference crack is the last straw, and David resolves to cook Nick a gourmet feast on his return from Spain. Does he pull off an epicurean banquet with seductive results? Are there comic kitchen mishaps resulting in the need to call for a takeaway after all? Does David cook something that Nick's allergic to by mistake? Does Nick not eat anything because he's on a post-Christmas diet, realise that David's actually quite upset at his lack of appreciation and finally stop teasing? Cooking fic, in short, as cracky, funny, fluffy or angsty as you prefer - anything but fic where the setup is just there to get you to Teh Pr0n please?
Fill - anon.
Prompt: Follow-up to Petra and Georgie continue celebrating their one-month anniversary, in an enjoyably femslashy fashion.
Fill (
meme) -
biz_viz .
Prompt: Five times David and Ed ended it. Optional bonus - and one time they didn't.
RP Fill -
killandburnham &
ontheballscity .
Prompt: Right, so RP Ed'n'Andy almost made me cry on the meme tonight. Please can we have fic of their (drunken?) New Year's meeting?
The Second Circle - anon.
Prompt: Peter M getting punished for being unfaithful. That is to say, for maximum guilt value, he's been roped into dub/noncon so had no choice about letting A fuck him. B, his usual partner, is so aggressively jealous that he dishes out punishment anyway. What form that punishment takes is up to you ~ I'd be exquisitely happy with any combination of pairings! (Although, if B was Alastair, who can't take it out on the perpetrator because A was Tony, I may die of love.) :3
Unprompted: Countdown - anon.
Relevant comms and fic journals I keep my eye on:
biz_viz ,
boris_slash , cammycakes,
clameron ,
coalitionslash ,
despatch_boxing ,
europhiles ,
insatiable_nick ,
lawslovers ,
lolitics_meme ,
loliticssecrets ,
milibandwagon ,
offlolitics ,
polietics ,
polifics ,
political_fic ,
secretshipper ,
sine_que_non767 ,
slashinglolitic ,
the_ballster ,
uk_labour ,
uk_lolitics ,
uk_lolitics_fic ,
uklolitics_recs ,
weheartgeorge . &
lolitics on DA.
If you want more srs bsnss try:
britpolitics ,
green_party_uk ,
ontd_political ,
socialists ,
uk_politics ,
ukpolitics , + plenty more I don't follow...
Anon commenting is on, so let me know if there's anything I've missed. =]