I'm so very sorry for the lateness of the new post. But this is the first time LJ is working for me again. I wrote a sonnet for you but is now forever lost in the glitches :(
So no funny business here, I know you want to get back to the usual game ASAP.
There is a
substitute on dreamwidth in case LJ is having trouble again.
The usual things:
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These are awesome anon.
MagicFlute!AU? Has it been written? I'm so in love with you drawing of it!
Caaaaamp. That fic *cries a little bit* Wonderful illustration, a!a, in a troubling kind of a way.
And the frames on the steampunk portraits are simply the best thing. The portraits themselves are very good likenesses and woooo Lullabub's rose! It's very pretty, and the hand is basically a vast improvement, too. Y'know if we'd seen her with a rose sooner, it would would have been a massive giveaway :L Always grateful and excited for your doodles, anon. :)
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