Feb FP 1/3 - "The One Prompt"

Feb 03, 2011 07:44

This is your first of three posts for the current freeze, which will be from the morning of Thu, 03 Feb - the evening of Sat, 05 Feb. Business as usual will be resumed from the morning of Sun, 06 Feb onwards.

1) During the freeze only prompts about urgent things are allowed (eg. the Easter Bunny falling pregnant, the Yeti declaring his love for Carmen Sandiego, these sort of things.*)
2) Unprompted fic is allowed as the freeze is intended to give people time to fill prompts they have eyed for some time and/or write the fics they've wanted to write. Please remember to self-prompt!

The ONE prompt you always wanted to see filled.
1) Please be fair and post only one prompt per anon!
2) Please post the link to the prompt (and its delicious number when possible) in the comment and include the pairing and other specifiers in the title (eg Title: Sting Ray/The Green Lantern, H/C, Electricity   Comment: 9999: eggf://molitics.leme.jivelournal.yum/555.kzxv?daerht=12345#67890)
3) Please post this under the appropriate thread. They are clearly labeled for each prompt post to make it more organised.

(If you find it too complicated to follow the way that is suggested above, please don't feel put off and do it as good as you can. No one will shout at you)

WIPs you would love to see continued
1) Please post the link to the WIP in the thread of the corresponding prompt post

If you want to write something and are looking for more inspiration:
Delicious is your friend.  
- Unfilled prompts are here and you can look for people or kinks or genres or other specified things. Just combine the tags to find pairings and everything else, delicious makes it very easy.
- The same works if you are looking for fic to read about specific stuff. To find the newest fills, a newsletter has kindly been provided but an awesome person.

There is a thread at the end of this post in which you can announce all the fills you've done during the freeze.


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