Cloud no. 9

Dec 30, 2010 07:56

1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt when you post unprompted fic. (This means posting what the fill is about in a first comment, like a real prompt, and commenting on that with your fill.)
3) Try not to get too srs business. There are other places for that.

- Concerns about tags and missed fills go here
- Announce your fills and updates here.
- The thread for beta reader related stuff is here.
- Suggestions of all kinds go to the suggestions post, questions here.
- There is also a post for squee ( S) and a thread for dreams ( D) and if you are looking for other inspirations, have  alook at the captcha-fics post ( C).

- RP post
- For other things you can look at the sticky post

Please remember:
a) We don't like wank!
b) Encouraging authoranons can only be a good thing ;)   
c) You are awesome!

And please don't be afraid to criticise. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.
Either post in the suggestions post or write to lolitics_meme.

Filled prompts
Unfilled prompts
Weekly newsletter

You can see the most  recent comments if you click  and look at the last pages!

Prompt post 10 is here.

prompting: 09

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