I'm so very sorry for the lateness of the new post. But this is the first time LJ is working for me again. I wrote a sonnet for you but is now forever lost in the glitches :(
So no funny business here, I know you want to get back to the usual game ASAP.
There is a
substitute on dreamwidth in case LJ is having trouble again.
The usual things:
1) All
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Things between Tony and Gordon go from bad to worse. For the most part, they just avoid each other, which is something of a problem when you live in a two room apartment. Whatever their last argument was about, it's left something in the air, something that can't easily be dealt with. Margaret and John seem to think it's best left alone. David isn't quite so sure, still has the naivety to think that whatever this is, it can be resolved, but Gordon and Tony clearly don't want to talk about it which leaves him without a way in.
Just as Tony is prepared to head out the door one night, they start another fight. "Work again, is it?" asks Gordon.
Tony sighs, sounding irritated. "Yes, Gordon. That is all I seem to do nowadays, after all, just keep working to keep the place afloat while the rest of you, well, god knows."
David is sitting with John in the other room, who sighs and buries his head in his hands. Through the door, David can see Gordon grimace. "This again. Yes Tony, you're so put upon, poor little matyr responsible for all good that comes to this flat."
"Don't put words in my mouth, Gordon," says Tony. "Look, I'm already late, can we please discuss this when I get back? I spend far too much time having to explain I'm not on time because my boyfriend is apparently incapable of going five minutes without starting an argument."
"Right, I started the argument." David admits, he has a point there. Gordon shifts, and he looks suddenly very uncomfortable. "Tony -- You could do something else if you wanted, you must realise that. You do have talents, other than -- you know--"
It takes Tony a second, then he bursts out laughing. "Oh christ Gordon," he says. "Right, well, thank you, I suppose, assuming you meant that as a compliment and not a backhanded way of telling me what a lousy lay I am, but anyway, the employment markets don't agree with you. But if your plan is to swoop in and save me from my life of destitution and debauchery, you've left it a bit late haven't you? I mean if I recall correctly, you were here from the beginning, cheering me and Peter right along."
Peter. David's ears perk up at that name, and he looks to John, whose eyes are wide like it's new information to him too. Is that who Peter is, just an, um, colleague of Tony's? But why the argument? And, if the above sentence would imply he, Gordon and Tony were together from the beginning, why isn't he living with them too?
Gordon looks even more uncomfortable than before, but fury settles over him. He mutters, with the air of someone playing a trumph card: "Unless you're afraid of something."
It's Tony's turn to be uncomfortable. His posture, which had been shifting and fluid, goes rigid. He stares Gordon down. "I'm not afraid of Ali." he says. "I'm not afraid of anything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a job to do."
Tony slams the door behind him dramatically as he goes. John lets out a long, slow sigh and rubs his temples. David quirks his mouth and raises an eyebrow.
"So, how long does this usually go on anyway?"
John looks up at him. "A number of weeks, I'm afraid. They go from the open arguments to passive-agressive sniping to just general coldness to back to normal. Then it all happens again. Nothing really changes, and it's best for us if we don't get involved."
He says this quietly, as Gordon is still pacing up and down in the other room, stewing in his rage. David frowns. "Hang on a second," he tells John. He's almost certain this is going to be a bad idea.
Gordon mutters something indecipherable, probably 'fuck off.' David sighs. "Look, I know this isn't very tactful, but -- it's just, you and Tony -- I mean you barely ever get on. It's just odd, how you stay together regardless. Do you still love each other?"
"Do you still like each other?"
"Not much."
"So, what does keep you together?"
Gordon sighs. "History, mostly. Memories. Sheer bloody stubbornness."
"Is that it?"
"Well that and, neither of us has anywhere else to go. We have to live together anyways. And we'd only just end up back together, it'd be pointless."
David nods. So that is the mystery of Gordon and Tony's relationship. "Who's Peter?"
From the firey look in Gordon's eye, he expects a strangled: 'Mind your own sodding business.' That's not what he receives. "Ask Tony," says Gordon. "It like to hear how he responds."
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