Oscars Winners and Losers

Feb 25, 2013 13:33

I am so happy that I caught the Oscars last night! From start to finish I felt like this show was what classic Hollywood is all about! While the movies, the production, and the stars may be modern, there was definitely the spirit of the past in the air... and not just in the fashion.

For me the biggest winner of the night was Seth MacFarlane! Does he even know that he is a Burlesque comedian at it's best? What a delightful host! Charming, engaging, funny, candid all while being a song and dance man... my heart went pitter patter! His handsome face didn't hurt my heart beat either! I know some people thought his jokes were crass, but honestly, I thought he was quite reserved! We all know just from watching any episode of Family Guy, just how crass he can get. I thought his jokes were old school and something one used to see on the Dean Martin hour or Benny Hill. I could make a whole blog post about how wonderful I thought he was, but the Oscars were more than just him.

The Oscars show itself was a dream! They themed the night and Musicals was the Queen! A highlight for me was the song numbers from Chicago, Dream Girls, and Les Misérables. All the song and dance numbers throughout kept me smiling and for me, kept the show from dragging... even after 4 hours!

There was one huge disappointment for me during the night. Oscars... how could you miss ANDY GRIFFITH from your memorandum?! Not to mention the other stars of yesteryear that were forgotten. Do they even care anymore? Your Memorandums these past years have been disappointing.

But let's talk about the most important aspect of the Oscars. The Fashion! Now I am not one for designers so I couldn't tell you who wore what, I can just tell you who I loved and who I hated. Also, I don't normally comment on the men because for the most part, they all look the same. But seriously, was this the year of the beard??!!

I am going to start out with my opinions for the worst dressed. There were three stand out awful dresses for me.

#1 Lisa Westcott: Did she even know she was attending the Oscars? I can't even properly express a critique on this outfit because it was that horrible! Take a guess which of the two she is. Her partner looked great, but her... no. Just no.

#2 Mellissa McCarthy: What a horrible dress! It wasn't flattering in the least and looked like it was made from those t-shirt sheets you buy at WalMart. This makes me so sad because I adore her and she will forever be Sookie in my mind! From the hair to the dress... I just can't.

#3 Anne Hathaway: Simply this dress was plain and boring. Not too mention I was terribly distracted by the darts on the bodice that made the dress look nipply. I like Anne Hathaway, but this dress... snooze...

Now onto dresses that I just didn't like. Some I wanted to like, but it just missed the mark. Some I think were plain awful. Some I think the lady looks spectacular, but the dress just isn't my favourite. Some the dress I would normally like, but I don't like the actress so it ruins it for me. For one reason or another, these are the dresses that just didn't strike me. In no particular order.

Now before you all think I am just a Negative Nelly... here are the dresses that I really liked! Some of these dresses are worn by actresses I can't stand, but like the dresses too much to say no. Some dresses I just think are spectacular and jaw dropping! In no particular order.

Here is the moment you've all been waiting for (ha ha ha) my absolute BEST DRESSED!

#3 Norah Jones (stage dress)
I may not have been the biggest fan of her Red Carpet Dress (though I really like the silhouette of it just not the beading) Norah's stage dress was perfection for me!

#2 Salma Hayek
From her hair and her makeup to to the way she walked out on stage this was almost my #1 look. She was just complete and owned this look. Her presence and confidence in this dress is what makes this dress a winner for me.

#1 Catherine Zeta-Jones
This dress was pure magick for me! Gorgeous, ornate, sparkly, sheer, fitted, stunning, sexy, and modest. All on one of the most beautiful women in the world. This is a dress that makes the Oscars the most glamourous night in Hollywood!

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