Christmas break was good, way much better than the last Christmas break- no anxiety, or any stress factor. Aaron had a good time too. We spent time with my family and my 16 years old nephew Adam came over too. In case you were wondering, Kathy is still MIA- no snail mails, no phone calls, and no emails from her.
That was just a strange feeling on Christmas morning, know that I saw Uncle Terry alive for the last time last Christmas. I'd still remember all details, what we all were doing, and etc etc, but at the same time, it was just peaceful feeling, know that he is safe, watch over us. His one year death anniversary was on 2nd of Jan. Yes, I still miss him, but more days like this where I think of him, there was none but happy days with him.
On Christmas Eve we all went to see Aunt Carol and Uncle Charlie for lunch, I gave Dad and Aunt Carol their early Christmas gifts:
Aunt Carol cried, and Dad loved it. Everyone thought this was really nice gift. When I ordered those from Zazzle company site, at first I thought that would made of wood, but to my much surprise when I opened the box, it was heavy, but look really beautiful. Carol told me before we left, that she will always precious to have it forever.
Aaron, me, & the cats got the good stuff for Christmas! I gave Aaron two books of the walking dead - he was super excited about it, and in return, he gave me a cat necklace:
I absolutely love love love it.
I got new boots, gloves (with touch iPhone so my hands won't feel cold anymore lol), hat, "the cat who come back for Christmas" book, two books from Jess - "How to tell if your Cat is plotting to kill you" (so funny!) & "a cup of comfort for cat lovers", kitchen stuff, $20 gift card from Willie (that was nice surprise), a set of tray, WAWA gift card, Fairy Tail scroll poster, and I can't think of what else more.
Cats are very spoiled- they got good stuff from Mom & Mama!
There was a ball hanging out but Bax already destroyed it right away on Christmas day haha
We got the gate for our car so cats won't have to go in our front seats, so far, most of the time it works, but there is a loophole :-P
We saw the movie, "the hobbit", but ugh our glass devices for subtitles is not working due to "blur" and we got the free tickets- we are not sure if we want to see it again or wait until the DVD comes out. Shrugs. See-see.
We also got to see Devin and her boyfriend Mike at Apple Bee's other night, and man, Mike is truly amazing. Amazing. He is respectful, funny, and nice to her, and he continues to do sign (without talk) and continue to eager to learn more. I just know they will be together for long time. I see Devin so much happy in for the first time in a long time.
Gotta go. Have a great weekend, you guys!