Writer's Block: 9/11

Sep 12, 2011 01:05

I was at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC as a freshman, and as WTC was under attack, I headed back to my dorm after math class at 8:50AM, I didn't feel good because I had mild cramps so I decided to take a shower. Around 9:30AM I went ahead and used my roommate's computer and all of a sudden my brother Ben sent me an instant message on AIM out of blue and said, "Becky, turn TV on!" and I said, "Why?" "Just go and see." "Fine."

I walked out of my dorm room to the lounge where TV was on, but before I took a chance to look at TV, I saw a HUGE unbelievable smoke from the window, and I felt chills all over my body, not know what was going on. I couldn't describe how it looked, but it was scary enough to know something's serious and bad happened, and I turned back to see news, and they said plane crashed into Pentagon. I figured that was some accident, so I left quickly, back to room, and told Ben that I saw big smoke. He asked if I'm OK. I told him yes and that I have to go to English Lab class. I still had no idea we were under attack.

I walked over to class, and looked at students look at pagers, pointed out to the smoke, and I went into the building where all gathered to look at TV. I figured that was all about Pentagon so I ingored and went to class, but later to find out class was cancelled so I headed back to dorm again and called my mom.

It took a while to finally get my mom- she was at Swarthmore college, working, and she was so worried about me. I told her I'm fine and we're all fine. I told her about the huge smoke that plane crashed, and the very first thing she said to me was that they did it on purpose.


"Becky, we're under attack. The terrorists attacked the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon."

Wait. Wait. WTC???

"Yes. Both towers are all gone."

I was speechless, as my best friend who lived in Florida at that time IMed me as she just woke up and I told her to check TV now and that I'm on phone with Mom and all at Gally is fine. She was puzzled, but then she switched TV on and went freaked out.

After the call, I decided to go to cafe and find my friends there, and was told the university is cancelled, and ask if anyone want to be volunteer to help out at Kendall School and Model Secondary School for the Deaf, so I volunteered to go to MSSD to help out. While waiting for group to get ready to go, someone said another plane crashed in Pennsylvania. I was literally scared, and thought, oh god, what if it hits Philly? My family? I was hoping this nightmare will go away.

I finally saw the coverage of news when I was at girls' dorm, and I saw both towers collapsed, I freaked out. That was just crazy. My family continues to keep me informed through on track where my older sister, my nephew and my nephew's father was. My sister and nephew's father both saw second plane crashed in the tower in person, and they managed to get away. I'm glad they were all okay.

At the night time when I got back from MSSD, I found my usual gang, and discussed about what happened. I really couldn't sleep that night, but I feel better know that we all were never alone.

writer's block

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