This isn't hiphop it's just putting your body in weird positions!

Jun 07, 2003 23:28

About a Boy is a wonderful movie that i'm going to watch numerous times tonight and then tomorrow I will go out and buy. The music in it is just grand. grandgrandgrand okay?

Last night was really fun. I spent the night with Lizzy and we walked around downtown, visited Baby's and then went to a party. A lot of last night was spent PICKINGOURnoses. Don't worry there's more to that. Lets just leave it at that though. We saw so many people and decided that this summer we will hang out with many of them. I have a large, large, large bruise on my arm where I was pinched by a washing machine and I lost my voice mysteriously at 1am. Maybe because I was sick. Who knows. I had a lovely time and hopefully this summer WILL be good. I want Zak to come visit and I want him to bring Rhode Island kids for me to hang out with!

Today was graduation and it was the best one I've been to. Abbey graduated and it was so weird because we've known each other for three years which meannnnnnns I have been friends with her all high school blahblahblah. I went to Taylor's party and gave her flowers and then to Abbey's to eat some deviled eggs. I couldn't stay long because my dad made me a special vegetarian stir fry and I felt so good because they are finally accepting the fact that I don't eat meat, thank you.

My dance company girls and I went to our rivals' recital and I don't even want to talk about it because it makes me sick to think of it. Basically they are horrible and sluts. The end.

I would like some new tops and a skirt and some records. Someone send me music. Why am I asking this? There was a point to me writing tonight but I've come to lose it. :[
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